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| Chapter VIII.—Absurdities of Polytheism. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter VIII.—Absurdities of Polytheism.
As regards, then, the doctrine that there was from
the beginning one God, the Maker of this universe, consider it in
this wise, that you may be acquainted with the argumentative grounds
also of our faith. If there were from the beginning two or more gods,
they were either in one and the same place, or each of them separately
in his own. In one and the same place they could not be. For, if they
are gods, they are not alike; but because they are uncreated they are
unlike: for created things are like their patterns; but the uncreated
are unlike, being neither produced from any one, nor formed after the
pattern of any one. Hand and eye and foot are parts of one body, making
up together one man: is God in this sense one?719
719 i.e., Do several gods make up one God?—Otto. Others read affirmatively,
“God is one.” | And indeed Socrates was compounded
and divided into parts, just because he was created and perishable;
but God is uncreated, and, impassible, and indivisible—does not,
therefore, consist of parts. But if, on the contrary, each of them exists
separately, since He that made the world is above the things created,
and about the things He has made and set in order, where can the other or
the rest be? For if the world, being made spherical, is confined within
the circles of heaven, and the Creator of the world is above the things
created, managing that720 by His providential care of these, what place is there
for the second god, or for the other gods? For he is not in the world,
because it belongs to the other; nor about the world, for God the Maker
of the world is above it. But if he is neither in the world nor about
the world (for
all that surrounds it is occupied
by this one721
721 i.e., the Creator,
or first God. | ), where is he? Is he above the world and [the
first] God? In another world, or about another? But if he is in another
or about another, then he is not about us, for he does not govern the
world; nor is his power great, for he exists in a circumscribed space.
But if he is neither in another world (for all things are filled by the
other), nor about another (for all things are occupied by the other),
he clearly does not exist at all, for there is no place in which he
can be. Or what does he do, seeing there is another to whom the world
belongs, and he is above the Maker of the world, and yet is neither in
the world nor about the world? Is there, then, some other place where
he can stand? But God, and what belongs to God, are above him. And
what, too, shall be the place, seeing that the other fills the regions
which are above the world? Perhaps he exerts a providential care? [By
no means.] And yet, unless he does so, he has done nothing. If, then,
he neither does anything nor exercises providential care, and if there
is not another place in which he is, then this Being of whom we speak
is the one God from the beginning, and the sole Maker of the world.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH