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| The Conduct of Heretics: Its Frivolity, Worldliness, and Irregularity. The Notorious Wantonness of Their Women. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XLI.—The
Conduct of Heretics: Its Frivolity, Worldliness, and Irregularity. The
Notorious Wantonness of Their Women.
I must not omit an account of the conduct2278 also of the heretics—how frivolous it
is, how worldly, how merely human, without seriousness, without
authority, without discipline, as suits their creed. To begin with, it
is doubtful who is a catechumen, and who a believer; they have all
access alike, they hear alike, they pray alike—even heathens, if
any such happen to come among them. “That which is holy they will
cast to the dogs, and their pearls,” although (to be sure) they
are not real ones, “they will fling to the swine.”2279 Simplicity they will have to consist in the
overthrow of discipline, attention to which on our part they call
2280 Lenocinium.
“Pandering” is Archdeacon Dodgson’s word. | Peace also they
huddle up2281 anyhow with all
comers; for it matters not to them, however different be their
treatment of subjects, provided only they can conspire together to
storm the citadel of the one only Truth. All are puffed up, all offer
you knowledge. Their catechumens are perfect before they are
full-taught.2282 The very women of
these heretics, how wanton they are! For they are bold enough to teach,
to dispute, to enact exorcisms, to undertake2283
cures—it may be even to baptize.2284
2284 Compare
Tertullian’s tract, de Bapt. I. and de Veland.
Virg. viii. [Also, Epiphan. iv. p. 453, Ed. Oehler.] |
Their ordinations, are carelessly administered,2285
capricious, changeable.2286
2286 They were constantly
changing their ministers. It was a saying of the heretics, “Alius
hodie episcopus, cras alius” (Rigalt.). | At one time they
put novices in office; at another time, men who are bound to
some secular employment;2287 at another, persons
who have apostatized from us, to bind them by vainglory, since they
cannot by the truth. Nowhere is promotion easier than in the camp of
rebels, where the mere fact of being there is a foremost
service.2288 And so it comes to
pass that to-day one man is their bishop, to-morrow another; to-day he
is a deacon who to-morrow is a reader; to-day he is a presbyter who
tomorrow is a layman. For even on laymen do they impose the functions
of priesthood.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH