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Celsus, then, does not speak as a good
reasoner,3565 when he compares
the mortal flesh of Jesus to gold, and silver, and stone, asserting
that the former is more liable to corruption than the latter.
For, to speak correctly, that which is incorruptible is not more free
from corruption than another thing which is incorruptible, nor that
which is corruptible more liable to corruption than another corruptible
thing. But, admitting that there are degrees of corruptibility,
we can say in answer, that if it is possible for the matter which
underlies all qualities to exchange some of them, how should it be
impossible for the flesh of Jesus also to exchange qualities, and to
become such as it was proper for a body to be which had its abode in
the ether and the regions above it, and possessing no longer the
infirmities belonging to the flesh, and those properties which Celsus
terms “impurities,” and in so terming them, speaks unlike a
philosopher? For that which is properly impure, is so because of
its wickedness. Now the nature of body is not impure; for in so
far as it is bodily nature, it does not possess vice, which is the
generative principle of impurity. But, as he had a suspicion of
the answer which we would return, he says with respect to the change of
the body of Jesus, “Well, after he has laid aside these
qualities, he will be a God:” (and if so), why not rather
Æsculapius, and Dionysus, and Hercules? To which we reply,
“What great deed has Æsculapius, or Dionysus, or Hercules
wrought?” And what individuals will they be able to point
out as having been improved in character, and made better by their
words and lives, so that they may make good their claim to be
gods? For let us peruse the many narratives regarding them, and
see whether they were free from licentiousness or injustice, or folly,
or cowardice. And if nothing of that kind be found in them, the
argument of Celsus might have force, which places the forenamed
individuals upon an equality with Jesus. But if it is certain
that, although some things are reported of them as reputable, they are
recorded, nevertheless, to have done innumerable things which are
contrary to right reason, how could you any longer say, with any show
of reason, that these men, on putting aside their mortal body, became
gods rather than Jesus?E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH