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He is not ashamed, moreover, to say, in addition
to these statements (that the unseemly character4019 of his opinions may be manifest to those who
will live after him): “Come now, if one were to look down
from heaven upon earth, in what respect would our actions appear
to differ from those of ants and bees?” Now does he who,
according to his own supposition, looks from heaven upon the
proceedings of men and ants, look upon their bodies alone, and not
rather have regard to the controlling reason which is called into
action by reflection;4020
4020 οὐ κατανοεῖ
δὲ τὸ λογικὸν
καὶ λογισμῷ
κινούμενον; | while, on the other
hand, the guiding principle of the latter is irrational, and set in
motion irrationally by impulse and fancy, in conjunction with a certain
natural apparatus?4021
4021 μετά τινος
ὑποκατασκευῆς; | But it is
absurd to suppose that he who looks from heaven upon earthly things
would desire to look from such a distance upon the bodies of men
and ants, and would not rather consider the nature of the guiding
principles, and the source of impulses, whether that be rational or
irrational. And if he once look upon the source of all impulses,
it is manifest that he would behold also the difference which exists,
and the superiority of man, not only over ants, but even over
elephants. For he who looks from heaven will see among irrational
creatures, however large their bodies, no other principle4022 than, so to speak, irrationality;4023 while amongst rational beings he will
discover reason, the common possession of men, and of divine and
heavenly beings, and perhaps of the Supreme God Himself, on account of
which man is said to have been created in the image of God, for the
image of the Supreme God is his reason.4024