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Chapter XIX.
Others, then, may concede to Celsus that God does
not undergo a change, but leads the spectators to imagine that He does;
whereas we who are persuaded that the advent of Jesus among men was no
mere appearance, but a real manifestation, are not affected by this
charge of Celsus. We nevertheless will attempt a reply, because
you assert, Celsus, do you not, that it is sometimes allowable to
employ deceit and falsehood by way, as it were, of medicine?3755
3755 ὅμως
ὅτι οὐ φῂς, ὦ
Κέλσε, ὧς ἐν
μοίρα ποτὲ
χρῆσθαι τῷ
πλανᾷν καὶ τῷ
; | Where, then, is the absurdity, if such
a saving result were to be accomplished, that some such events should
have taken place? For certain words, when savouring of falsehood,
produce upon such characters a corrective effect (like the similar
declarations of physicians to their patients), rather than when spoken
in the spirit of truth. This, however, must be our defence
against other opponents. For there is no absurdity in Him who
healed sick friends, healing the dear human race by means of such
remedies as He would not employ preferentially, but only according to
3756 προηγουμένως,
ἀλλ᾽ ἐκ
περιστάσεως. | The human
race, moreover, when in a state of mental alienation, had to be cured
by methods which the Word saw would aid in bringing back those so
afflicted to a sound state of mind. But Celsus says also, that
“one acts thus towards enemies when taking measures to escape
danger. But God does not fear any one, so as to escape danger by
leading into error those who conspire against him.” Now it
is altogether unnecessary and absurd to answer a charge which is
advanced by no one against
our Saviour. And we have already replied, when answering other
charges, to the statement that “no one who is either in a state
of sickness or mental alienation is a friend of God.” For
the answer is, that such arrangements have been made, not for the sake
of those who, being already friends, afterwards fell sick or became
afflicted with mental disease, but in order that those who were still
enemies through sickness of the soul, and alienation of the natural
reason, might become the friends of God. For it is distinctly
stated that Jesus endured all things on behalf of sinners, that He
might free them from sin, and convert them to
righteousness.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH