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The Refutation of All Heresies.
[Translated by the Rev. J. H. MacMahon,
Book I.
The following are the
contents of the first book of The Refutation of all
20 The four
of the mss. of the first book extant prior to
the recent discovery of seven out of the remaining nine books of The
Refutation, concur in ascribing it to Origen. These
inscriptions run thus: 1. “Refutation by Origen of all
Heresies;” 2. “Of Origen’s Philosophumena…these
are the contents;” 3. “Being estimable (Dissertations) by
Origen, a man of the greatest wisdom.” The recently
discovered ms. itself in the margin has the
words, “Origen, and Origen’s opinion.” The
title, as agreed upon by modern commentators, is: 1. “Book
I. of Origen’s Refutation of all Heresies” (Wolf and
Gronovius); 2. “A Refutation of all Heresies;” 3.
“Origen’s Philosophumena, or the Refutation of all
Heresies.” The last is Miller’s in his Oxford
edition, 1851. The title might have been, “Philosophumena,
and the Refutation (therefrom) of all Heresies.” There were
obviously two divisions of the work: (1) A
résumé of the tenets of the philosophers (books i.,
ii., iii., iv.), preparatory to (2) the refutation of heresies, on the
ground of their derivative character from Greek and Egyptian
speculation. Bunsen would denominate the work “St.
Hippolytus’ (Bishop and Martyr) Refutation of all Heresies; what
remains of the ten books.” |
We propose to furnish an account of the tenets of
natural philosophers, and who these are, as well as the tenets of moral
philosophers, and who these are; and thirdly, the tenets of logicians,
and who these logicians are.
Among natural philosophers21
21 Most of
what follows in book i. is a compilation from ancient sources.
The ablest résumé followed by Cicero in the De Nat.
Deor., of the tenets of the ancient philosophers, is to be found in
Aristotle’s Metaphysics. The English reader is
referred to the Metaphysics, book i. pp. 13–46
(Bohn’s Classical Library), also to the translator’s
analysis prefixed to this work, pp. 17–25. See also
Diogenes’ Lives of the Philosophers, and Tenneman’s
Manual of Philosophy (translated in Bohn’s Library);
Plutarch, De Placitis Philosophorum; Lewes’
Biographical History of (Ancient) Philosophy; and Rev. Dr. F. D.
Maurice’s History of (Ancient) Metaphysical and Moral
Philosophy. The same subject is discussed in Ritter’s
History of Philosophy (translated by Morrison). | may be enumerated Thales, Pythagoras,
Empedocles, Heraclitus, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Archelaus,
Parmenides, Leucippus, Democritus, Xenophanes, Ecphantus,
Among moral philosophers are Socrates, pupil of
Archelaus the physicist, (and) Plato the pupil of Socrates. This
(speculator) combined three systems of philosophy.
Among logicians is Aristotle, pupil of
Plato. He systematized the art of dialectics. Among the
Stoic (logicians) were Chrysippus (and) Zeno. Epicurus, however,
advanced an opinion almost contrary to all philosophers. Pyrrho
was an Academic;22
22 This word is
variously given thus: Academian, Academeian, Academaic, Academe,
Cademian, and Cadimian. The two last would seem to indicate the
character rather than the philosophy of Pyrrho. To favour this
view, the text should be altered into καὶ ἄδημος,
i.e., ἀπόδημος = from home,
not domestic. | this (speculator)
taught the incomprehensibility of everything. The Brahmins among
the Indians, and the Druids among the Celts, and Hesiod (devoted
themselves to philosophic pursuits).E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH