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| Different Sects of the Esseni. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXI.—Different Sects of the Esseni.
The Essenes have, however, in the lapse of
time, undergone divisions, and they do not preserve their system of
training after a similar manner, inasmuch as they have been split up
into four parties. For some of them discipline themselves above
the requisite rules of the order, so that even they would not
handle a current coin of the country, saying that they ought not either
to carry, or behold, or fashion an image:1030 wherefore no one of those goes into a
city, lest (by so doing) he should enter through a gate at which
statues are erected, regarding it a violation of law to pass
beneath images. But the adherents of another party, if they
happen to hear any one maintaining a discussion concerning God and His
laws—supposing such to be an uncircumcised person, they will
closely watch him and when they meet a person of this description in
any place alone, they will threaten to slay him if he refuses to
undergo the rite of circumcision. Now, if the latter does not
wish to comply with this request, an Essene spares not, but even
slaughters. And it is from this occurrence that they have
received their appellation, being denominated (by some) Zelotæ,
but by others Sicarii. And the adherents of another party call no
one Lord except the Deity, even though one should put them to the
torture, or even kill them. But there are others of a
later period, who have to such an extent declined from the discipline
(of the order), that, as far as those are concerned who continue in the
primitive customs, they would not even touch these. And if they
happen to come in contact with them, they immediately resort to
ablution, as if they had touched one belonging to an alien tribe.
But here also there are very many of them of so great longevity, as
even to live longer than a hundred years. They assert, therefore,
that a cause of this arises from their extreme devotion to religion,
and their condemnation of all excess in regard of what is served up (as
food), and from their being temperate and incapable of anger. And
so it is that they despise death, rejoicing when they can finish their
course with a good conscience. If, however, any one would even
put to the torture persons of this description, in order to induce any
amongst them either to speak evil of the law, or eat what is offered in
sacrifice to an idol, he will not effect his purpose; for one of
this party submits to death and endures torment rather than violate
his conscience.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH