“Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee
the crown of life.”
Ye have heard, beloved, the answer of the Lord; ye
have learned the sentence of the Judge; ye have been given to
understand what kind of awful scrutiny awaits us, and what day and what
hour are before us. Let us therefore ponder this every day; let
us meditate on this both day and night, both in the house, and by the
way, and in the churches, that we may not stand forth at that dread and
impartial judgment condemned, abased, and sad, but with purity of
action, life, conversation, and confession; so that to us also the
merciful and benignant God may say, “Thy faith hath saved thee,
go in peace;”2016
and again, “Well done, good and
faithful servant; thou hast been
faithful over a few things, I will make thee
ruler over many
things: enter thou into the
joy of thy
may it be ours to reach, by the
grace and
kindness of our
Lord Jesus
Christ, to whom pertain glory, honour, and adoration, with His Father,
who is without beginning, and His holy, and good, and quickening
Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of the ages. Amen.
2018 [Here
follows the text, Apoc. ii. 10, transposed above.] |