Then shall they also make answer to the dread
Judge, who accepteth no man’s person: Lord, when saw we
Thee an hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in
prison, and ministered not unto Thee? Lord, dost Thou know us
not? Thou didst form us, Thou didst fashion us, Thou didst make
us of four elements, Thou didst give us spirit and soul. On Thee
we believed; Thy seal we received, Thy baptism we obtained; we
acknowledged Thee to be God, we knew Thee to be Creator; in Thee we
wrought sights, through Thee we cast out demons, for Thee we mortified
the flesh, for Thee we preserved virginity, for Thee we practised
chastity, for Thee we became strangers on the earth; and Thou sayest, I
know you not, depart from me! Then shall He make answer to them,
and say, Ye acknowledged me as Lord, but ye kept not my words. Ye
were marked with the seal of my cross, but ye deleted it by your
hardness of heart. Ye obtained my baptism, but ye observed not my
commandments. Ye subdued your body to virginity, but ye kept not
mercy, but ye did not cast the hatred of your brother out of your
souls. For not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall be
saved, but he that doeth my will.2014
And these shall go away into
everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.