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| Here Gregory Interweaves the Narrative of His Former Life. His Birth of Heathen Parents is Stated. In the Fourteenth Year of His Age He Loses His Father. He is Dedicated to the Study of Eloquence and Law. By a Wonderful Leading of Providence, He is Brought to Origen. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Argument V.—Here
Gregory Interweaves the Narrative of His Former Life. His Birth
of Heathen Parents is Stated. In the Fourteenth Year of His Age
He Loses His Father. He is Dedicated to the Study of Eloquence
and Law. By a Wonderful Leading of Providence, He is Brought to
For my earliest upbringing from the time of my
birth onwards was under the hand of my parents; and the manner of life
in my father’s house was one of error,180
πάτρια ἔθη τὰ
πεπλανημένα. | and of a kind from which no one, I imagine,
expected that we should be delivered; nor had I myself the hope, boy as
I was, and without understanding, and under a superstitious
181 [The
force of the original is not opprobrious.] | Then
followed the loss of my father, and my orphanhood, which182
182 Reading
ἣ δή. Others give ἢ δή;
others, ἤδη; and the conjecture ἢ ἡβη, “or my youth,” is also
made. | perchance was also the beginning of the
knowledge of the truth to me. For then it was that I was brought
over first to the word of salvation and truth, in what manner I cannot
tell, by constraint rather than by voluntary choice. For what
power of decision had I then, who was but fourteen years of age?
Yet from this very time this sacred Word began somehow to visit me,
just at the period when the reason common to all men attained its full
function in me; yea, then for the first time did it visit me. And
though I thought but little of this in that olden time, yet now at
least, as I ponder it, I consider that no small token of the holy and
marvellous providence exercised over me is discernible in this
concurrence, which was so distinctly marked in the matter of my years,
and which provided that all those deeds of error which preceded that
age might be ascribed to youth and want of understanding, and that the
Holy Word might not be imparted vainly to a soul yet ungifted with the
full power of reason; and which secured at the same time that when the
soul now became endowed with that power, though not gifted with the
divine and pure reason,183
it might not be devoid at least of that fear which is accordant with
this reason, but that the human and the divine reason184 might begin to act in me at once and
together,—the one giving help with a power to me at least
185 The
text, however, gives ἀλέκτρῳ. | though proper to
itself, and the other receiving help. And when I reflect on this,
I am filled at once with gladness and with terror, while I rejoice
indeed in the leading of providence, and yet am also awed by the fear
lest, after being privileged with such blessings, I should still in any
way fail of the end. But indeed I know not how my discourse has
dwelt so long on this matter, desirous as I am to give an account of
the wonderful arrangement (of God’s providence) in the course
that brought me to this man, and anxious as nevertheless I formerly was
to pass with few words to the matters which follow in their order, not
certainly imagining that I could render to him who thus dealt with me
that tribute of praise, or gratitude, or piety which is due to him
(for, were we to designate our discourse in such terms, while yet we
said nothing worthy of the theme, we might seem chargeable with
arrogance), but simply with the view of offering what may be called a
plain narrative or confession, or whatever other humble title may be
given it. It seemed good to the only one of my parents who
survived to care for me—my mother, namely—that, being
already under instruction in those other branches in which boys not
ignobly born and nurtured are usually trained, I should attend also a
teacher of public speaking, in the hope that I too should become a
public speaker. And accordingly I did attend such a teacher; and
those who could judge in that department then declared that I should in
a short period be a public speaker. I for my own part know not
how to pronounce on that, neither should I desire to do so; for there was
no apparent ground for that gift then, nor was there as yet any
foundation for those forces186
which were capable of bringing me to it. But that divine
conductor and true curator, ever so watchful, when my friends were not
thinking of such a step, and when I was not myself desirous of it, came
and suggested (an extension of my studies) to one of my teachers under
whose charge I had been put, with a view to instruction in the Roman
tongue, not in the expectation that I was to reach the completest
mastery of that tongue, but only that I might not be absolutely
ignorant of it; and this person happened also to be not altogether
unversed in laws. Putting the idea, therefore, into this
teacher’s mind,187
Reading τούῳ
ἐπὶ νοῦν
βαλών. |
he set me to learn in a thorough way the laws of the Romans by his
help. And that man took up this charge zealously with me; and I,
on my side, gave myself to it—more, however, to gratify the man,
than as being myself an admirer of the study. And when he got me
as his pupil, he began to teach me with all enthusiasm. And he
said one thing, which has proved to me the truest of all his sayings,
to wit, that my education in the laws would be my greatest
viaticum188 —for thus
he phrased it—whether I aspired to be one of the public speakers
who contend in the courts of justice, or preferred to belong to a
different order. Thus did he express himself, intending his word
to bear simply on things human; but to me it seems that he was moved to
that utterance by a diviner impulse than he himself supposed. For
when, willingly or unwillingly, I was becoming well instructed in these
laws, at once bonds, as it were, were cast upon my movements, and cause
and occasion for my journeying to these parts arose from the city
Berytus, which is a city not far distant189
189 The
text is ἀποχέουσα.
Hœschelius gives ἀπέχουσα. | from this territory, somewhat
Latinized,190 and credited with
being a school for these legal studies. And this revered man
coming from Egypt, from the city of Alexandria, where previously he
happened to have his home, was moved by other circumstances to change
his residence to this place, as if with the express object of meeting
us. And for my part, I cannot explain the reasons of these
incidents, and I shall willingly pass them by. This however is
certain, that as yet no necessary occasion for my coming to this place
and meeting with this man was afforded by my purpose to learn our laws,
since I had it in my power also to repair to the city of Rome
191 The text
is, οὐδὲν
ἀναγκαῖον ἦν
ὅσον ἐπὶ
τοῖς νόμοις
ἡμῶν, δυνατὸν
ὂν καὶ ἐπὶ
τὴν ῾Ρωμαίων
πόλιν. Bengel takes ὅσον as παρέλκον.
Migne renders, nullam ei fuisse necessitatem huc veniendi, discendi
leges causa, siquidem Romam posset proficisci. Sirmondus
makes it, nulla causa adeo necessaria erat qua possem per leges
nostras ad Romanorum civitatem proficisci. | How, then, was
this effected? The then governor of Palestine suddenly took
possession of a friend of mine, namely my sister’s husband, and
separated him from his wife, and carried him off here against his will,
in order to secure his help, and have him associated with him in the
labours of the government of the country; for he was a person skilled
in law, and perhaps is still so employed. After he had
gone with him, however, he had the good fortune in no long time to have
his wife sent for, and to receive her again, from whom, against his
will, and to his grievance, he had been separated. And thus he
chanced also to draw us along with her to that same place. For
when we were minded to travel, I know not where, but certainly to any
other place rather than this, a soldier suddenly came upon the scene,
bearing a letter of instructions for us to escort and protect our
sister in her restoration to her husband, and to offer ourselves also
as companion to her on the journey; in which we had the opportunity of
doing a favour to our relative, and most of all to our sister (so that
she might not have to address herself to the journey either in any
unbecoming manner, or with any great fear or hesitation), while at the
same time our other friends and connections thought well of it, and
made it out to promise no slight advantage, as we could thus visit the
city of Berytus, and carry out there with all diligence192
192 The text
gives ἐκπονήσαντες.
Casaubon reads ἐκποιήσοντες. | our studies in the laws. Thus all
things moved me thither,—my sense of duty193 to my sister, my own studies, and over and
above these, the soldier (for it is right also to mention this), who
had with him a larger supply of public vehicles than the case demanded,
and more cheques194 than could be
required for our sister alone. These were the apparent reasons
for our journey; but the secret and yet truer reasons were
these,—our opportunity of fellowship with this man, our
instruction through that man’s means195
αὐτοῦ. Bengel understands
this to refer to the soldier. | in the truth196
196 The text
is, την
ἀληθῆ δι᾽
αὐτοῦ περὶ
τὰ τοῦ λόγου
μαθήματα. Bengel
takes this as an ellipsis, like τὴν ἑαυτοῦ,
τὴν ἐμὴν
μίαν, and similar phrases, γνώμην or ὁδόν, or some such word, being
supplied. Casaubon conjectures καὶ ἀληθῆ, for
which Bengel would prefer τα
ἀληθῆ. | concerning the Word, and the profit of our
soul for its salvation. These were the real causes that brought
us here, blind and ignorant, as we were, as to the way of securing our
salvation. Wherefore it was not that soldier, but a certain
divine companion and beneficent conductor and guardian, ever leading us
in safety through the whole of this present life, as through a long
journey, that carried us past other places, and Berytus in especial,
which city at that time we seemed most bent on reaching,
and brought us hither and
settled us here, disposing and directing all things, until by any means
he might bind us in a connection with this man who was to be the author
of the greater part of our blessings. And he who came in such
wise, that divine angel, gave over this charge197 to him, and did, if I may so speak,
perchance take his rest here, not indeed under the pressure of labour
or exhaustion of any kind (for the generation of those divine ministers
knows no weariness), but as having committed us to the hand of a man
who would fully discharge the whole work of care and guardianship
within his power.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH