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| The Wonderful Skill with Which Origen Prepares Gregory and Athenodorus for Philosophy. The Intellect of Each is Exercised First in Logic, and the Mere Attention to Words is Contemned. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Argument VII.—The
Wonderful Skill with Which Origen Prepares Gregory and Athenodorus for
Philosophy. The Intellect of Each is Exercised First in
Logic, and the Mere Attention to Words is Contemned.
But after he had thus carried us captive at the
very outset, and had shut us in, as it were, on all sides, and when
what was best204 had been
accomplished by him, and when it seemed good to us to remain with him
for a time, then he took us in hand, as a skilled husbandman may take
in hand some field unwrought, and altogether unfertile, and sour, and
burnt up, and hard as a rock, and rough, or, it may be, one not utterly
barren or unproductive, but rather, perchance, by nature very
productive, though then waste and neglected, and stiff and untractable
with thorns and wild shrubs; or as a gardener may take in hand some
plant which is wild indeed, and which yields no cultivated fruits,
though it may not be absolutely worthless, and on finding it thus, may,
by his skill in gardening, bring some cultivated shoot and graft it in,
by making a fissure in the middle, and then bringing the two together,
and binding the one to the other, until the sap in each shall flow in
one stream,205
205 The text
gives συμβλύσαντα
ὡς, for which Casaubon proposes συμφύσαντα
εἰς ἕν, or
ὡς ἕν. Bengel suggests συμβρύσανρα
ὡς ἕν. | and they shall both
grow with the same nurture: for one may often see a tree of a
mixed and worthless206 species thus
rendered productive in spite of its past barrenness, and made to rear
the fruits of the good olive on wild roots; or one may see a wild plant
saved from being altogether profitless by the skill of a careful
gardener; or, once more, one may see a plant which otherwise is one
both of culture and of fruitfulness, but which, through the want of
skilled attendance, has been left unpruned and unwatered and waste, and
which is thus choked by the mass of superfluous shoots suffered to grow
out of it at random,207
207 The text
gives ἐκεῖ, for which Hœschelius and Bengel
read είκῆ. | yet
brought to discharge its proper function in germination,208
δὲ τῇ
βλάσψῃ. | and made to bear the fruit whose
production was formerly hindered by the superfluous growth.209 In suchwise, then, and with such a
disposition did he receive us at first; and surveying us, as it were,
with a husbandman’s skill, and gauging us thoroughly, and not
confining his notice to those things only which are patent to the eye
of all, and which are looked upon in open light, but penetrating into
us more deeply, and probing what is most inward in us, he put us to the
question, and made propositions to us, and listened to us in our
replies; and whenever he thereby detected anything in us not wholly
fruitless and profitless and waste, he set about clearing the soil, and
turning it up and irrigating it, and putting all things in movement,
and brought his whole skill and care to bear on us, and wrought upon
our mind. And thorns and thistles,210 and every kind of wild herb or plant which
our mind (so unregulated and precipitate in its own action) yielded and
produced in its uncultured luxuriance and native wildness, he cut out
and thoroughly removed by the processes of refutation and prohibition;
sometimes assailing us in the genuine Socratic fashion, and again
upsetting us by his argumentation whenever he saw us getting restive
under him, like so many unbroken steeds, and springing out of the
course and galloping madly about at random, until with a strange kind
of persuasiveness and constraint he reduced us to a state of quietude
under him by his discourse, which acted like a bridle in our
mouth. And that was at first an unpleasant position for us, and
one not without pain, as he dealt with persons who were unused to it,
and still all untrained to submit to reason, when he plied us with his
argumentations; and yet he purged us by them. And when he had
made us adaptable, and had prepared us successfully for the reception
of the words of truth, then, further, as though we were now a soil well
wrought and soft, and ready to impart growth to the seeds cast into it,
he dealt liberally with us, and sowed the good seed in season, and
attended to all the other cares of the good husbandry, each in its own
proper season. And whenever he perceived any element of infirmity
or baseness in our mind (whether it was of that character by nature, or
had become thus gross through the excessive nurture of the body), he
pricked it with his discourses, and reduced it by those delicate words
and turns of reasoning which, although at first the very simplest, are
gradually evolved one after the other, and skilfully wrought out, until
they advance to a sort of complexity which can scarce be mastered or
unfolded, and which cause us to start up, as it were, out of sleep, and
teach us the art of holding always by what is immediately before one,
without ever making any slip by reason either of length or of
subtlety. And if there was in us anything of an injudicious and
precipitate tendency, whether in the way of assenting to all that came
across us, of whatever character the objects might be, and even though
they proved false, or in the way of often withstanding other things,
even though they were spoken truthfully,—that, too, he brought
under discipline in us by those delicate reasonings already mentioned,
and by others of like kind (for this branch of philosophy is of varied
form), and accustomed us not to throw in our testimony at one time, and
again to refuse it, just at random, and as chance impelled, but to give
it only after careful examination not only into things
manifest, but also
into those that are secret.211
211 The words
are omitted by Hœschelius and Bengel. | For many things which are in high
repute of themselves, and honourable in appearance, have found entrance
through fair words into our ears, as though they were true, while yet
they were hollow and false, and have borne off and taken possession of
the suffrage of truth at our hand, and then, no long time afterwards,
they have been discovered to be corrupt and unworthy of credit, and
deceitful borrowers of the garb of truth; and have thus too easily
exposed us as men who are ridiculously deluded, and who bear their
witness inconsiderately to things which ought by no means to have won
it. And, on the contrary, other things which are really
honourable and the reverse of impositions, but which have not been
expressed in plausible statements, and thus have the appearance of
being paradoxical and most incredible, and which have been rejected as
false on their own showing, and held up undeservedly to ridicule, have
afterwards, on careful investigation and examination, been discovered
to be the truest of all things, and wholly incontestable, though for a
time spurned and reckoned false. Not simply, then, by dealing
with things patent and prominent, which are sometimes delusive and
sophistical, but also by teaching us to search into things within us,
and to put them all individually to the test, lest any of them should
give back a hollow sound, and by instructing us to make sure of these
inward things first of all, he trained us to give our assent to outward
things only then and thus, and to express our opinion on all these
severally. In this way, that capacity of our mind which deals
critically with words and reasonings, was educated in a rational
manner; not according to the judgments of illustrious
rhetoricians—whatever Greek or foreign honour appertains to that
ἐι τι
῾Ελληνικὸν ἢ
ἐστι τῇ
φωνῇ. | —for theirs is
a discipline of little value and no necessity: but in accordance
with that which is most needful for all, whether Greek or outlandish,
whether wise or illiterate, and, in fine, not to make a long statement
by going over every profession and pursuit separately, in accordance
with that which is most indispensable for all men, whatever manner of
life they have chosen, if it is indeed the care and interest of all who
have to converse on any subject whatever with each other, to be
protected against deception.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH