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| Which is the First on the Subject of Baptism Addressed to Stephen, Bishop of Rome. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Epistle V.—Which is the
First on the Subject of Baptism Addressed to Stephen, Bishop of
In the second chapter of the seventh book of his
Ecclesiastical History, Eusebius says: “To this
Stephen, Eusebius wrote the first of his epistles on the matter of
baptism.” And he calls this the first, because
Dionysius also wrote other four epistles to Xystus and Dionysius, two
of the successors of Stephen, and to Philemon, on the same subject of
the baptizing of heretics.—Gallandi. |
Understand, however, my brother,832
Eusebius introduces the letter thus: “When he had addressed
many reasonings on this subject to him (Stephen) by letter, Dionysius
at last showed him that, as the persecution had abated, the churches in
all parts opposed to the innovations of Novatus were at peace among
themselves.” [See vol. v. p. 275.] | that all the churches located in the
east, and also in remoter districts,833
καὶ ἔτι
These words are omitted in Codices Fulk, and Savil., as also by
Christophorsonus; but are given in Codices Reg. Maz., and Med., and by
Syncellus and Nicephorus. | that were formerly in a state of
division, are now made one again;834
Baronius infers from this epistle that at this date, about 259
a.d., the Oriental bishops had given up their
“error,” and fallen in with Stephen’s opinion, that
heretics did not require to be rebaptized,—an inference, however,
which Valesius deems false. [Undoubtedly so.] | and all those at the head of the
churches everywhere are of one mind, and rejoice exceedingly at the
peace which has been restored beyond all expectation. I
may mention
Demetrianus in Antioch; Theoctistus in Cæsareia; Mazabanes in
835 The
name assigned by the pagans to Jerusalem was Ælia. It was so
called even in Constantine’s time as we see in the Tabula
Peutingerorum and the Itinerarium Antonini, written
after Constantine’s reign. In the seventh canon of the
Nicene Council we also find the name Ælia. [Given by Hadrian
a.d. 135.] | the successor of
the deceased Alexander;836
836 The
words κοιμηθέντος
are given in the text in connection with the clause Μαρῖνος ἐν
Τύρῳ. They must be transposed
however as in the translation; for Mazabanes had succeeded Alexander
the bishop of Ælia, as Dionysius informs us in his Epistle to
Cornelius. So Rufinus puts it also in his Latin
version.—Vales. |
Marinus in Tyre; Heliodorus in Laodicea, the successor of the deceased
Thelymidres; Helenus in Tarsus, and with him all the churches of
Cilicia; and Firmilian and all Cappadocia. For I have named only
the more illustrious of the bishops, so as neither to make my epistle
too long, nor to render my discourse too heavy for you. All the
districts of Syria, however, and of Arabia, to the brethren in which
you from time to time have been forwarding supplies837
Alluding to the generous practice of the church at Rome in old times in
relieving the wants of the other churches, and in sending money and
clothes to the brethren who were in captivity, and to those who toiled
in the mines. To this effect we have the statement of Dionysius,
bishop of Corinth, in his Epistle to Soter, which Eusebius cites in his
fourth book. In the same passage, Eusebius also remarks that this
commendable custom had been continued in the Roman church up to his own
time; and with that object collections were made there, of which Leo
Magnus writes in his Sermones.—Vales. [Note this to the eternal honour of this See
in its early purity.] | and at present have sent letters, and
Mesopotamia too, and Pontus, and Syria, and, to speak in brief, all
parties, are everywhere rejoicing at the unanimity and brotherly love
now established, and are glorifying God for the same.
The Same, Otherwise Rendered.838
838 [In
vol. v., to illustrate the history of Cyprian, reference is made to
this letter; and in the Clark edition another rendering is there given
(a preferable one, I think) of this same letter, which I have thought
better to reserve for this place. It belongs here, and I have
there noted its appearance in this volume.] |
But know, my brother, that all the churches
throughout the East, and those that are placed beyond, which formerly
were separated, are now at length returned to unity; and all the
[προεστῶτες. See Euseb., Hist. Eccles., book viii. capp. 2, 3 and 4;
also vol. v., this series, as above mentioned.] | of the
churches everywhere think one and the same thing, and rejoice with
incredible joy on account of the unlooked-for return of peace: to
wit, Demetrianus in Antioch; Theoctistus in Cæsarea; Mazabenes in
Ælia, after the death of Alexander; Marinus in Tyre; Heliodorus in
Laodicea, after the death of Thelymidres; Helenus in Tarsus, and all
the churches of Cilicia; Firmilianus, with all Cappadocia. And I
have named only the more illustrious bishops, lest by chance my letter
should be made too prolix, and my address too wearisome. The
whole of the Syrias, indeed, and Arabia, to which you now and then send
help, and to which you have now written letters; Mesopotamia also, and
Pontus, and Bithynia; and, to comprise all in one word, all the lands
everywhere, are rejoicing, praising God on account of this concord and
brotherly charity.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH