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XVIII.—Is the Devil a Relation?
And Peter said: “What you state is
impossible; for if he came into existence by degrees, He could have cut him off as a foe by His
own free choice. And knowing beforehand that he was coming into
existence, He would not have allowed him as a good, had He not known
that by reason of him what was useful was being brought into
1447 The editors
punctuate differently, thus: “And knowing beforehand that
he was becoming not good, He would not have allowed him, unless He knew
that he would be useful to Himself.” We suppose the
reference in the text to be to Gen. i. 31. | And he
could not have come into existence suddenly, complete, of his own
power. For he who did not exist could not fashion himself; and he
neither could become complete out of nothing, nor could any one justly
say that he had substance,1448
1448 Or,
“self-subsistence.” We have supposed a transposition
of the words in the text. The text is without doubt corrupt. | so as always
to be equal in power if he were begotten.” And Simon
said: “Is he then a mere relation, and in this way
1449 We have adopted an
emendation of Lagarde’s. | —being
injurious, as water is injurious to fire, but good for the seasonably
thirsty land; as iron is good for the cultivation of the land, but bad
for murders; and lust is not evil in respect of marriage, but bad in
respect of adultery; as murder is an evil, but good for the murderer so
far as his purpose is concerned; and cheating is an evil, but pleasant
to the man who cheats; and other things of a like character are good
and bad in like manner. In this way, neither is evil, nor good;
for the one produces the other. For does not that which seems to
be done injuriously rejoice the doer, but punish the sufferer?
And though it seems unjust that a man should, out of self-love, gratify
himself by every means in his power, to whom, on the other hand, does
it not seem unjust that a man should suffer severe punishments at the
hand of a just judge for having loved