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Chapter XXII.—Sins
of Ignorance.
And Simon: “Why is it, then, that some
die prematurely, and periodical diseases arise; and that there are,
moreover, attacks of demons, and of madness, and all other kinds of
afflictions which can greatly punish?” And Peter
said: “Because men, following their own pleasure in all
things, cohabit without observing the proper times; and thus the
deposition of seed, taking place unseasonably, naturally produces a
multitude of evils. For they ought to reflect, that as a season
has been fixed suitable for planting and sowing,1465 so days have been appointed as appropriate
for cohabitation, which are carefully to be observed. Accordingly
some one well instructed in the doctrines taught by Moses, finding
fault with the people for their sins, called them sons of the new moons
and the sabbaths.1466 Yet in the
beginning of the world men lived long, and had no diseases. But
when through carelessness they neglected the observation of the proper
times, then the sons in succession cohabiting through ignorance at
times when1467
1467 “At times
when” is supplied by conjecture. | they ought not,
place their children under innumerable afflictions. Whence our
Teacher, when we inquired of Him1468
1468 We have followed
an emendation of Wieseler’s. | in regard
to the man who was blind from his birth, and recovered his sight, if
this man sinned, or his parents, that he should be born blind,
answered, ‘Neither did he sin at all, nor his parents, but that
the power of God might be made manifest through him in healing the sins
of ignorance.’1469
1469 John ix. 2, 3. [This clear instance of citation
from the Gospel of John is found in that portion of the text recovered
by Dressel. It is of importance, since writers of the
Tübingen school previously denied that this author uses the fourth
Gospel.—R.] | And, in
truth, such afflictions arise because of ignorance; as, for instance,
by not knowing when one ought to cohabit with his wife, as if she be
pure from her discharge. Now the afflictions which you mentioned
before are the result of ignorance, and not, assuredly, of any
wickedness that has been perpetrated. Moreover, give me the man
who sins not, and I will show you the man who suffers not; and you will
find that he not only does not suffer himself, but that he is
1470 We have adopted an
obvious emendation of Wieseler’s. | to heal others. For instance, Moses,
on account of his piety,
continued free from suffering all his life, and by his prayers he
healed the Egyptians when they suffered on account of their