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XVII.—Annubion’s Services to Faustus.
“And while he stated this beforehand, I
said, ‘What, then, is the advantage you now expect to get from
such a contrivance?’ And Simon said, ‘First, those
who seek me, when they apprehend him, will give up the search after
me. But if he be executed by the hand of the emperor, very great
sorrow will fall upon his children, who left me, and fleeing to
Peter, now aid him in his work.’ And now, Peter, I
confess the truth to you: I was prevented by fear of Simon
from informing Faustus of this. But Simon did not give us
an opportunity for private conversation, lest some one of us
might reveal1533
1533 An emendation of
Wieseler’s. The parts in italics are supplied by
conjecture. | to him the
wicked design of Simon. Simon then rose up in the middle of the
night and fled to Judæa, convoyed by Appion and Athenodorus.
Then I pretended that I was sick, in order that, remaining after they
had gone, I might make Faustus go back immediately to his own people,
if by any chance he might be able, by being concealed with you, to
escape observation, lest, being caught as Simon by those who were in
search of Simon, he might be put to death through the wrath of the
emperor. At the dead of night, therefore, I sent him away to you;
and in my anxiety for him I came by night to see him, with the
intention of returning before those who convoyed Simon should
return.” And looking to us, he said: “I,
Annubion, see the true shape of your father; for I was anointed, as I
related to you before, by Simon himself, that the true shape of Faustus
might be seen by my eyes. Astonished, therefore, I exceedingly
wonder at the magic power of Simon, in that standing1534
1534 We should
have expected “standing near” or something similar, as
Weiseler remarks; but the Latin of the Recognitions agrees with
the Greek in having the simple “standing.” | you do not recognise your own
father.” And while our father and our mother and we
ourselves wept on account of the calamity common to all of us, Annubion
also through sympathy wept with us.