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  • In the Hope of the Resurrection, Let Us Cleave to the Omnipotent and Omniscient God.

    Chapter XXVII.—In the Hope of the Resurrection, Let Us Cleave to the Omnipotent and Omniscient God.

    Having then this hope, let our souls be bound to Him who is faithful in His promises, and just in His judgments.  He who has commanded us not to lie, shall much more Himself not lie; for nothing is impossible with God, except to lie.4127

    4127 Comp. Tit. i. 2; Heb. vi. 18.

      Let His faith therefore be stirred up again within us, and let us consider that all things are nigh unto Him.  By the word of His might4128

    4128 Or “majesty.”

    He established all things, and by His word He can overthrow them.  “Who shall say unto Him, What hast thou done? or, Who shall resist the power of His strength?”4129

    4129 Wisd. xii. 12; xi. 21.

      When, and as He pleases, He will do all things, and none of the things determined by Him shall pass away.4130

    4130 Comp. Matt. xxiv. 35.

      All things are open before Him, and nothing can be hidden from His counsel.  “The heavens4131

    4131 Literally, “if the heavens,” etc.

    declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handy-work.4132

    4132 I. omits.

      Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.  And there are no words or speeches of which the voices are not heard.”4133

    4133 Ps. xix. 1–3.  I. omits Ps. xix. 2–4, with the exception of the concluding words, ἀκούονται αἱ φωναὶ αὐτῶν (their voices are heard), which are connected with the opening words of the following chapter.


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