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| Reward of the Righteous, Although They May Suffer. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XIX.—Reward of
the Righteous, Although They May Suffer.
So then, brothers and sisters,4409
4409 Indicative of the
approaching close. |
after the God of truth4410
4410 Bryennius interprets
this to refer to the Scripture-lesson. | I address to you an
appeal that ye may give heed to the words written,4411
4411 Either the
Scripture-lesson or the homily. | that ye may save both yourselves and him who
reads an address in your midst. For as a reward I ask of you
repentance with the whole heart, while ye bestow upon yourselves
salvation and life. For by so doing we shall set a mark for all
the young who wish to be diligent in godliness and the goodness of
God. And let not us, in our folly, feel displeasure and
indignation, whenever any one admonishes us and turns us from
unrighteousness to righteousness. For there are some wicked deeds
which we commit, and know it not, because of the double-mindedness and
unbelief present in our breasts, and our understanding is darkened by
vain desires. Let us, therefore, work righteousness, that we may
be saved to the end. Blessed are they who obey these
commandments, even if for a brief space they suffer in this world, and
they will gather the imperishable fruit of the resurrection. Let
not the godly man, therefore, grieve; if for the present he suffer
affliction, blessed is the time that awaits him there; rising up to
life again with the fathers he will rejoice for ever without a