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| Concerning the Leaven of the Pharisees. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
5. Concerning the
Leaven of the Pharisees.
“And His disciples came to the other side and
forgot to take loaves.”5585 Since
the loaves which they had before they came to the other side were no
longer useful to the disciples when they came to the other side, for
they needed one kind of loaves before they crossed and a different kind
when they crossed,—on this account, being careless of taking
loaves when going to the other side, they forgot to take loaves with
them. To the other side then came the disciples of Jesus who had
passed over from things material to things spiritual, and from things
sensible to those which are intellectual. And perhaps that He
might turn back those who, by crossing to the other side, “had
begun in spirit,”5586 from running back
to carnal things, Jesus said to them when on the other side,
“Take heed and beware.”5587 For
there was a certain lump of teaching and of truly ancient leaven,—that
according to the bare letter, and on this account not freed from those
things which arise from wickedness,—which the Pharisees and
Sadducees offered, of which Jesus does not wish His own disciples any
longer to eat, having made for them a new and spiritual lump, offering
Himself to those who gave up the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees
and had come to Him—“the living bread which came down from
heaven and gives life to the world.”5588 But since, to him who is no longer
going to use the leaven and the lump and the teaching of the Pharisees
and the Sadducees, the first thing is to “see” and then to
“beware,” so that no one, by reason of not seeing and from
want of taking heed, may ever partake of their forbidden
leaven,—on this account He says to the disciples, first,
“see,” and then, “beware.” It is the mark
of the clear-sighted and careful to separate the leaven of the
Pharisees and Sadducees and every food that is not of “the
unleavened-bread of sincerity and truth”5589
from the living bread, even that which came down from heaven, so that
no one who eats may adopt the things of the Pharisees and the
Sadducees, but by eating the living and true bread may strengthen his
soul. And we might seasonably apply the saying to those who,
along with the Christian way of life, prefer to live as the Jews,
materially, for these do not see nor beware of the leaven of the
Pharisees and Sadducees, but, contrary to the will of Jesus who forbade
it, eat the bread of the Pharisees. Yea and also all, who do not
wish to understand that the law is spiritual, and has a shadow of the
good things to come,5590 and is a shadow of
the things to come,5591 neither inquire of
what good thing about to be each of the laws is a shadow, nor do they
see nor beware of the leaven of the Pharisees; and they also who reject
the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead are not on their guard
against the leaven of the Sadducees. And there are many among the
heterodox who, because of their unbelief in regard to the resurrection
of the dead, are imbued with the leaven of the Sadducees. Now,
while Jesus said these things, the disciples reasoned, saying not
aloud, but in their own hearts, “We took no
loaves.”5592 And something
like this was what they said, “If we had loaves we would not have
had to take of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees; but
since, from want of loaves, we run the risk of taking from their
leaven, while the Saviour does not wish us to run back to their
teaching, therefore He said to us, “Take heed and beware of the
leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.””5593 And these things then they reasoned;
Jesus, while looking to that which was in their hearts, and hearing the
reasons in them, as the true overseer of hearts, reproves them because
they did not see nor remember the loaves which they received from Him;
on account of which, even when they appeared to be in want of loaves,
they did not need the leaven of the Pharisees and the
Sadducees.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH