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| The Word of God is in All Things Equal to the Father, from Whom It is. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter 14.—The Word of God
is in All Things Equal to the Father, from Whom It is.
23. The Word of God, then, the
only-begotten Son of the Father, in all things like and equal to
the Father, God of God, Light of Light, Wisdom of Wisdom, Essence
of Essence, is altogether that which the Father is, yet is not the
Father, because the one is Son, the other is Father. And hence He
knows all that the Father knows; but to Him to know, as to be, is
from the Father, for to know and to be is there one. And therefore,
as to be is not to the Father from the Son, so neither is to know.
Accordingly, as though uttering Himself, the Father begat the Word
equal to Himself in all things; for He would not have uttered
Himself wholly and perfectly, if there were in His Word anything
more or less than in Himself. And here that is recognized in the
highest sense, “Yea, yea; nay, nay.”991 And therefore this Word is truly
truth, since whatever is in that knowledge from which it is born is
also in itself and whatever is not in that knowledge is not in the
Word. And this Word can never have anything false, because it is
unchangeable, as He is from whom it is. For “the Son can do
nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the Father do.”992 Through
power He cannot do this; nor is it infirmity, but strength, by
which truth cannot be false. Therefore God the Father knows all
things in Himself, knows all things in the Son; but in Himself as
though Himself, in the Son as though His own Word which Word is
spoken concerning all those things that are in Himself. Similarly
the Son knows all things, viz. in Himself, as things which
are born of those which the Father knows in Himself, and in the
Father, as those of which they are born, which the Son Himself
knows in Himself. The Father then, and the Son know mutually; but
the one by begetting, the other by being born. And each of them
sees simultaneously all things that are in their knowledge, in
their wisdom, in their essence: not by parts or singly, as though
by alternately looking from this side to that, and from that side
to this, and again from this or that object to this or that object,
so as not to be able to see some things without at the same time
not seeing others; but, as I said, sees all things simultaneously,
whereof there is not one that He does not always see.
24. And that word, then, of ours
which has neither sound nor thought of sound, but is of that thing
in seeing which we speak inwardly, and which therefore belongs to
no tongue; and hence is in some sort like, in this enigma, to that
Word of God which is also God; since this too is born of our
knowledge, in such manner as that also is born of the knowledge of
the Father: such a word, I say, of ours, which we find to be in
some way like that Word, let us not be slow to consider how unlike
also it is, as it may be in our power to utter it. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH