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| That the Person Who Comes for Catechetical Instruction is to Be Examined with Respect to His Views, on Desiring to Become a Christian. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter 5.—That
the Person Who Comes for Catechetical Instruction is to Be Examined
with Respect to His Views, on Desiring to Become a
9. Moreover, it is on the gound of
that very severity of God,1370
1370 De ipsa etiam severitate
Dei…caritas ædificanda est | by which the hearts of mortals are
agitated with a most wholesome terror, that love is to be built up;
so that, rejoicing that he is loved by Him whom he fears, man may
have boldness to love Him in return, and yet at the same time be
afraid to displease His love toward himself, even should he be able
to do so with impunity. For certainly it very rarely happens, nay,
I should rather say, never, that any one approaches us with the
wish to become a Christian who has not been smitten with some sort
of fear of God. For if it is in the expectation of some advantage
from men whom he deems himself unlikely to please in any other way,
or with the idea of escaping any disadvantage at the hands of men
of whose displeasure or hostility he is seriously afraid, that a
man wishes to become a Christian, then his wish to become one is
not so earnest as his desire to feign one.1371
1371 Non fieri vult potius quam
fingere | For faith is not a matter of the
body which does obeisance,1372
1372 Or = “signifying assent by its
motions,” adopting the reading of the best
mss., viz. salutantis corporis. Some editions give
salvandi, while certain mss. have
salutis, and others saltantis. | but of the mind which believes.
But unmistakeably it is often the case that the mercy of God comes
to be present through the ministry of the catechiser, so that,
affected by the discourse, the man now wishes to become in reality
that which he had made up his mind only to feign. And so soon as he
begins to have this manner of desire, we may judge him then to have
made a genuine approach to us. It is true, indeed, that the precise
time when a man, whom we perceive to be present with us already in
the body, comes to us in reality with his mind,1373
1373 Reading quando veniat
animo, for which quo veniat animo also occurs = the mind
in which a man comes…is a matter hidden from us. | is a thing hidden from us. But,
notwithstanding that, we ought to deal with him in such a manner
that this wish may be made to arise within him, even should it not
be there at present. For no such labor is lost, inasmuch as, if
there is any wish at all, it is assuredly strengthened by such
action on our part, although we may be ignorant of the time or the
hour at which it began. It is useful certainly, if it can be done,
to get from those who know the man some idea beforehand of the
state of mind in which he is, or of the causes which have induced
him to come with the view of embracing religion. But if there is no
other person available from whom we may gather such information,
then, indeed, the man himself is to be interrogated, so that from
what he says in reply we may draw the beginning of our discourse.
Now if he has come with a false heart, desirous only of human
advantages or thinking to escape disadvantages, he will certainly
speak what is untrue. Nevertheless, the very untruth which he
utters should be made the point from which we start. This should
not be done, however, with the (open) intention of confuting his
falsehood, as if that were a settled matter with you; but, taking
it for granted that he has professed to have come with a purpose
which is really worthy of approbation (whether that profession be
true or false), it should rather be our aim to commend and praise
such a purpose as that with which, in his reply, he has declared
himself to have come; so that we may make him feel it a pleasure to
be the kind of man actually that he wishes to seem to be. On the
other hand, supposing him to have given a declaration of his views
other than what ought to be before the mind of one who is to be
instructed in the Christian faith, then by reproving him with more
than usual kindness and gentleness, as a person uninstructed and
ignorant, by pointing out and commending, concisely and in a grave
spirit the end of Christian doctrine in its genuine reality, and by
doing all this in such a manner as neither to anticipate the times
of a narration, which should be given subsequently, nor to venture
to impose that kind of statement upon a mind not previously set for
it, you may bring him to desire that which, either in mistake or in
dissimulation, he has not been desiring up to this