Chapter 14.—26. Aymnius1798
1798 Ahymmus. See Cypr. Ep. lvi.
of Ausuaga
1799 Ausuaga was in ecclesiastical province of Zeugitana.
said: "We have received one
baptism, which same also we
administer; but he who says that
authority is given to
heretics also to
baptize, the same makes two
1800 Conc. Carth. sec. 50.
27. To him we answer: Why does not he also make two baptisms who maintains that the unrighteous also can baptize? For although the righteous and unrighteous are in themselves opposed to one another, yet the baptism which the righteous give, such as was Paul, or such as was also Cyprian, is not contrary to the baptism which those unrighteous men were wont to give who hated Paul, whom Cyprian understands to have been not heretics, but bad Catholics; and
although the moderation which was found in Cyprian, and the covetousness which was found in his colleagues, are in themselves opposed to one another, yet the baptism which Cyprian used to give was not contrary to the baptism which his colleagues who opposed him used to give, but one and the same with it, because in both cases it is He that baptizes of whom it is said, "The same is He which baptizeth."1801