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| The Bishops of Rome and of Alexandria during the Reign of Trajan. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
I.—The Bishops of Rome and of
Alexandria during the Reign of Trajan.968
968 We
still have lists of bishops as old as the end of the second century.
The most ancient is that of the Roman bishops given by Irenæus
(III. 3. 3); but this has no dates. The list is probably the official
catalogue as it had been handed down to the time of Eleutherus; but it
is not authentic, as there was no monarchical episcopate in Rome at the
time of Clement, nor even in the time of Hermas. For other churches the
oldest lists date from the end of the third century. According to one
interpretation of a passage from Hegesippus, quoted in chapter 22,
below, Hegesippus drew up a list of Roman bishops down to the time of
Anicetus; and Bishop Lightfoot thinks he has discovered this lost
catalogue in Epiphanius, Hær. XXVII. 6 (see his article in
the Academy for May 27, 1887). If Lightfoot is right, we have
recovered the oldest Papal catalogue; but it is very doubtful whether
Hegesippus composed such a catalogue (see note on chap. 22), and even
if he did, it is uncertain whether the list which Epiphanius gives is
identical with it. See the writer’s notice of Lightfoot’s
article in the Theologische Literatur-Zeitung, 1887; No. 18,
Col. 435 sqq.
The list of Roman
bishops which Eusebius gives is the same as that of Irenæus; but
it has dates, while Irenæus’ has none. From what source
Eusebius took his dates we do not know. His Chronicle contains
different dates. It is possible that the difference is owing, in part,
to defective transcriptions or translations; but it is more probable
that Eusebius himself discovered another source, before writing his
History, which he considered more authentic, and therefore
substituted for the one he has used in his Chronicle. Lipsius
(Chronologie der römischen Bischöfe, p. 145) says,
“We may assume that the oldest catalogue extended as far as
Eleutherus, but rested upon historical knowledge only from Xystus, or,
at the farthest, from Alexander down.” On the chronology of the
Roman bishops in general, see especially the important work of Lipsius
just referred to. |
1. About the twelfth year of the reign of Trajan the
above-mentioned bishop of the parish of Alexandria969
969 Cerdon, mentioned in Bk. III. chap. 21. | died, and Primus,970
970 The
Chronicle of Eusebius (Armenian) makes Primus succeed to the
bishopric of Alexandria in the eleventh year of Trajan; the version of
Jerome, in the ninth. According to chap. 4, below, he held office
twelve years. No reliance can be placed upon any of the figures. The
Alexandrian church is shrouded in darkness until the latter part of the
second century, and all extant traditions in regard to its history
before that time are about equally worthless. Of Primus himself we have
no authentic knowledge, though he figures somewhat in later tradition.
See Smith and Wace’s Dict. of Christian Biography, in
loco. | the
fourth in succession from the apostles, was chosen to the
2. At that time also
971 According to the Chronicle of Eusebius (Armenian),
Alexander became bishop of Rome in the eighth year of Trajan; according
to Jerome’s version, in the twelfth year. He is said, in chap. 4,
below, to have died in the third year of Hadrian, after holding office
ten years. On the reliability of these dates, see note 1, above. Of
Alexander’s life and character we know nothing. | the fifth in the line of succession
from Peter and Paul, received the episcopate at Rome, after Evarestus
had held the office eight years.972
972 On
Evarestus, see Bk. III. chap. 34, note 3. | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH