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| The Peace following the Persecution. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
V.—The Peace following the
1. “But know now, my brethren, that all the churches
throughout the East and beyond, which formerly were divided, have
become united. And all the bishops everywhere are of one mind, and
rejoice greatly in the peace which has come beyond expectation. Thus
Demetrianus in Antioch,2174
2174 On Demetrianus, Thelymidres, and Helenus, see Bk. VI. chap. 46. On
Theoctistus, see ibid. chap. 19, note 27; on Firmilian,
ibid. chap. 26, note 3; on Mazabanes, ibid. chap. 39,
note 5. | Theoctistus in
Cæsarea, Mazabanes in Ælia, Marinus in Tyre (Alexander having
fallen asleep),2175
2175 This clause (κοιμηθέντος
᾽Αλεξ€νδρου) is placed by Rufinus, followed by Stroth, Zimmermann,
Valesius (in his notes), Closs, and Crusè, immediately after the
words “Mazabanes in Ælia.” But all the mss. followed by all the other editors give the clause in
the position which it occupies above in my translation. It is natural,
of course, to think of the famous Alexander of Jerusalem as referred to
here (Bk. VI. chap. 8, note 6), but it is difficult to see how, if he
were referred to, the words could stand in the position which they
occupy in the text. It is not impossible, however, to assume simple
carelessness on Dionysius’ part to explain the peculiar order,
and thus hold that Alexander of Jerusalem is here referred to. Nor is
it, on the other hand, impossible (though certainly difficult) to
suppose that Dionysius is referring to a bishop of Tyre named
Alexander, whom we hear of from no other source. | Heliodorus in
Laodicea (Thelymidres being dead), Helenus in Tarsus, and all the
churches of Cilicia, Firmilianus, and all Cappadocia. I have named only
the more illustrious bishops, that I may not make my epistle too long
and my words too burdensome.
2. And all Syria, and Arabia to
which you send help when needed,2176
2176 The church of Rome had been from an early date very liberal in
assisting the needy in every quarter. See the epistle of Dionysius of
Corinth to Soter, bishop of Rome, quoted above in Bk. IV. chap.
23. | and
whither you have just written,2177
2177 Dionysius speaks just below (§6) of epistles or an epistle of
Stephen upon the subject of baptism, in which he had announced that he
would no longer commune with the Oriental bishops, who held to the
custom of baptizing heretics. And it is this epistle which must have
stirred up the rage of Firmilian, which shows itself in his epistle to
Cyprian, already mentioned. The epistle of Stephen referred to here,
however, cannot be identical with that one, or Dionysius would not
speak of it in such a pleasant tone. It very likely had something to do
with the heresy of Novatian, of which Dionysius is writing. It is no
longer extant, and we know only what Dionysius tells us about it in
this passage. | Mesopotamia,
Pontus, Bithynia, and in short all everywhere are rejoicing and
glorifying God for the unanimity and brotherly love.” Thus far
3. But Stephen, having filled
his office two years, was succeeded by Xystus.2178
2178 Known as Sixtus II. in the list of Roman bishops. On Sixtus I. see
above, Bk. IV. chap. 4, note 3. That Xystus (or Sixtus) was martyred
under Valerian we are told not only by the Liberian catalogue, but also
by Cyprian, in an epistle written shortly before his own death, in 258
(No. 81, al. 80), in which he gives a detailed account of it.
There is no reason to doubt the date given by the Liberian catalogue
(Aug. 6, 258); for the epistle of Cyprian shows that it must have taken
place just about that time, Valerian having sent a very severe rescript
to the Senate in the summer of 258. This fixed point for the martyrdom
of Xystus enables us to rectify all the dates of the bishops of this
period (cf. Lipsius, l.c.). As to the duration of his
episcopate, the ancient authorities differ greatly. The Liberian
catalogue assigns to it two years eleven months and six days, but this
is impossible, as can be gathered from Cyprian’s epistle. Lipsius
retains the months and days (twelve or six days), rejecting the two
years as an interpolation, and thus putting his accession on Aug. 24
(or 31), 257. According to Eusebius, chap. 27, and the Armenian
Chron., he held office eleven years, which is quite impossible,
and which, as Lipsius remarks, is due to the eleven months which stood
in the original source from which the notice was taken, and which
appears in the Liberian catalogue. Jerome’s version of the
Chron. ascribes eight years to his episcopate, but this, too, is
quite impossible, and the date given for his accession (the first year
of Valerian) is inconsistent with the notice which he gives in regard
to Stephen. Xystus upheld the Roman practice of accepting heretics and
schismatics without re-baptism, but he seems to have adopted a more
conciliatory tone toward those who held the opposite view than his
predecessor Stephen had done (cf. Pontius’ Vita Cypriani,
chap. 14). | Dionysius wrote him a second
epistle on baptism,2179
2179 The first of Dionysius’ epistles on baptism was written to
Stephen of Rome, as we learn from chap. 2, above. Four others are
mentioned by Eusebius, addressed respectively to Philemon, a Roman
presbyter (chap. 7, §1), to Dionysius of Rome (ibid.
§6), to Xystus of Rome (chap. 9, §1), and to Xystus and the
church of Rome (ibid. §6). | in which he
shows him at the same time the opinion and judgment of Stephen and the
other bishops, and speaks in this manner of Stephen:
4. “He therefore had
written previously concerning Helenus and Firmilianus, and all those in
Cilicia and Cappadocia and Galatia and the neighboring nations, saying
that he would not commune with them for this same cause; namely, that
they re-baptized heretics. But consider the importance of the
5. For truly in the largest
synods of the bishops, as I learn, decrees have been passed on this
subject, that those coming over from heresies should be instructed, and
then should be washed2180 and cleansed
from the filth of the old and impure leaven. And I wrote entreating him
concerning all these things.” Further on he says:
6. “I wrote also, at first
in few words, recently in many, to our beloved fellow-presbyters,
2181 Dionysius afterward became Xystus’ successor as bishop of
Rome. See below, chap. 27, note 2. | and Philemon,2182
2182 Of this Philemon we know only that he was a presbyter of Rome at
this time (see below, chap. 7, §1). A fragment from
Dionysius’ epistle to him on the subject of baptism is quoted in
that chapter. | who formerly had held the same opinion
as Stephen, and had written to me on the same matters.” So much
in regard to the above-mentioned controversy.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH