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Martyrs of Palestine.2613
2613 On this work, see above, p. 29 sq. As remarked there, the shorter
form of the work, the translation of which follows, is found in most,
but not all, of the mss. of Eusebius’
Church History, in some of them at the close of the tenth book,
in one of them in the middle of Bk. VIII. chap. 13, in the majority of
them between Bks. VIII. and IX. It is found neither in the Syraic
version of the History, nor in Rufinus. Musculus omits it in his
Latin version, but a translation of it is given both by
Christophorsonus and Valesius. The Germans Stroth and Closs omit it;
but Stigloher gives it at the close of his translation of the
History. The English translators insert it at the close of the
eighth book. The work is undoubtedly genuine, in this, its shorter, as
well as in its longer form, but was in all probability attached to the
History, not by Eusebius himself, but by some copyist, and
therefore is not strictly entitled to a place in a translation of the
History. At the same time it has seemed best in the present case
to include it and to follow the majority of the editors in inserting it
at this point. In all the mss. except one the
work begins abruptly without a title, introduced only by the
words καὶ
ταῦτα žν τινι
ἀντιγρ€φῳ ἐν
τῷ ὀγδό& 251·
“The following also we found in a certain copy in the eighth
book.” In the Codex Castellanus, however, according to Reading
(in his edition of Valesius, Vol. I. p. 796, col. 2), the following
title is inserted immediately after the words just quoted: Εὐσεβίου
περὶ τῶν κατ᾽
ἐν τῷ
καὶ ἐφεξῆς
Γαλερίου τοῦ
Heinichen consequently prints the first part of this title
(Εὐσεβίου…μαρτυρησ€ντων) at the head of the work in his edition, and is followed
by Burton and Migne. This title, however, can hardly be looked upon as
original, and I have preferred to employ rather the name by which the
work is described at its close, where we read Εὐσεβίου
τοῦ Παμφιλου
περί τῶν ἐν
τέλος. This agrees
with the title of the Syriac version, and must represent very closely
the original title; and so the work is commonly known in English as the
Martyrs of Palestine, in Latin as de Martyribus
Palestinæ. The work is much more systematic than the eighth
book of the Church History; in fact, it is excellently arranged,
and takes up the persecution year by year in chronological order. The
ground covered, however, is very limited, and we can consequently
gather from the work little idea of the state of the Church at large
during these years. All the martyrs mentioned in the following pages
are commemorated in the various martyrologies under particular days,
but in regard to most of them we know only what Eusebius tells us. I
shall not attempt to give references to the martyrologies. Further
details gleaned from them and from various Acts of martyrdom may be
found in Ruinart, Tillemont, &c. I shall endeavor to give full
particulars in regard to the few martyrs about whom we have any
reliable information beyond that given in the present work, but shall
pass over the others without mention. |
The Following also we found
in a Certain Copy in the Eighth Book.2614
2614 The Martyrs of Palestine, in all the mss. that contain it, is introduced with these words. The
passage which follows, down to the beginning of Chap. 1, is a
transcript, with a few slight variations, of Bk. VIII. chap. 2,
§§4 and 5. For notes upon it, see that chapter. |
It was
in the nineteenth year of the reign of Diocletian, in the month
2615 The
month Xanthicus was the eighth month of the Macedonian year, and
corresponded to our April (see the table on p. 403, below). In Bk.
VIII. chap. 2, Eusebius puts the beginning of the prosecution in the
seventh month, Dystrus. But the persecution really began, or at least
the first edict was issued, and the destruction of the churches in
Nicomedia took place, in February. See Bk. VIII. chap. 2, note
3. | which is called April by the Romans,
about the time of the feast of our Saviour’s passion, while
2616 Flavianus is not mentioned in Bk. VIII. chap. 2. In the Syriac
version he is named as the judge by whom Procopius was condemned
(Cureton, p. 4). Nothing further is known of him, so far as I am
aware. | was governor of the province of
Palestine, that letters were published everywhere, commanding that the
churches be leveled to the ground and the Scriptures be destroyed by
fire, and ordering that those who held places of honor be degraded, and
that the household servants, if they persisted in the profession of
Christianity, be deprived of freedom.
Such was the force of the first
edict against us. But not long after other letters were issued,
commanding that all the bishops of the churches everywhere be first
thrown into prison, and afterward, by every artifice, be compelled to
sacrifice.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH