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| Constantine's Letter to the Antiochians, directing them not to withdraw Eusebius from Cæsarea, but to seek some one else. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter LX.—Constantine’s
Letter to the Antiochians, directing them not to withdraw Eusebius from
Cæsarea, but to seek some one else.
Constantinus, Maximus Augustus, to the people of
“How pleasing to the wise
and intelligent portion of mankind is the concord which exists among
you! And I myself, brethren, am disposed to love you with an enduring
affection, inspired both by religion, and by your own manner of life
and zeal on my behalf. It is by the exercise of right understanding and
sound discretion, that we are enabled really to enjoy our blessings.
And what can become you so well as this discretion? No wonder, then, if
I affirm that your maintenance of the truth has tended rather to
promote your security than to draw on you the hatred of others. Indeed,
amongst brethren, whom the selfsame disposition to walk in the ways of truth and
righteousness promises, through the favor of God, to register among his
pure and holy family, what can be more honorable than gladly to
acquiesce in the prosperity of all men? Especially since the precepts
of the divine law prescribe a better direction to your proposed
intention, and we ourselves desire that your judgment should be
confirmed by proper sanction.3297
3297 To the various and controverted translations of this passage it
may be ventured to add one, “we ourselves desire your judgment to
be fortified by good counsels.” | It may be
that you are surprised, and at a loss to understand the meaning of this
introduction to my present address. The cause of it I will not hesitate
to explain without reserve. I confess, then, that on reading your
records I perceived, by the highly eulogistic testimony which they bear
to Eusebius, bishop of Cæsarea, whom I have myself long well known
and esteemed for his learning and moderation, that you are strongly
attached to him, and desire to appropriate him as your own. What
thoughts, then, do you suppose that I entertain on this subject,
desirous as I am to seek for and act on the strict principles of right?
What anxiety do you imagine this desire of yours has caused me? O holy
faith, who givest us in our Saviour’s words and precepts a model,
as it were, of what our life should be, how hardly wouldst thou thyself
resist the sins of men, were it not that thou refusest to subserve the
purposes of gain! In my own judgment, he whose first object is the
maintenance of peace, seems to be superior to Victory herself; and
where a right and honorable course lies open to one’s choice,
surely no one would hesitate to adopt it. I ask then, brethren, why do
we so decide as to inflict an injury on others by our choice? Why do we
covet those objects which will destroy the credit of our own
reputation? I myself highly esteem the individual whom ye judge worthy
of your respect and affection: notwithstanding, it cannot be right that
those principles should be entirely disregarded which should be
authoritative and binding on all alike, so that each should not be
content with his own circumstances, and all enjoy their proper
privileges: nor can it be right, in considering the claims of rival
candidates, to suppose but that not one only, but many, may appear
worthy of comparison with this person. For as long as no violence or
harshness are suffered to disturb the dignities of the church, they
continue to be on an equal footing, and worthy of the same
consideration everywhere. Nor is it reasonable that an inquiry into the
qualifications of this one should be made to the detriment of others;
since the judgment of all churches, whether reckoned of greater or less
importance in themselves, is equally capable of receiving and
maintaining the divine ordinances, so that one is in no way inferior to
another, if we will but boldly declare the truth, in regard to that
standard of practice which is common to all. If this be so, we must say
that you will be chargeable, not with retaining this prelate, but with
wrongfully removing him; your conduct will be characterized rather by
violence than justice; and whatever may be generally thought by others,
I dare clearly and boldly affirm that this measure will furnish ground
of accusation against you, and will provoke factious disturbances of
the most mischievous kind: for even timid flocks can show the use and
power of their teeth, when the watchful care of their shepherd
declines, and they find themselves bereft of his accustomed guidance.
If this then be really so, if I am not deceived in my judgment, let
this, brethren, be your first consideration, for many and important
considerations will immediately present themselves, whether, should you
persist in your intention, that mutual kindly feeling and affection
which should subsist among you will suffer no diminution? In the next
place, remember that he, who came among you for the purpose of offering
disinterested counsel,3298
3298 The other point of view has been alluded to. It seems on the face
of it, in this unanimous endorsement by the church, as if Eusebius had
had the right of it in his quarrel with Eustathius; but on the other
hand, it is to be remembered that this wonderful harmony in the church
had come about from the fact that Eustathius and all who sympathized
with him had withdrawn, and only the party of Eusebius was left. It
would be like a “unanimous” vote in Parliament with all the
opposition benches empty. The endorsement of his own party does not
count for much. | now enjoys
the reward which is due to him in the judgment of heaven; for he has
received no ordinary recompense in the high testimony you have borne to
his equitable conduct. Lastly, in accordance with your usual sound
judgment, do ye exhibit a becoming diligence in selecting the person of
whom you stand in need, carefully avoiding all factious and tumultuous
clamor; for such clamor is always wrong, and from the collision of
discordant elements both sparks and flame will arise. I protest, as I
desire to please God and you, and to enjoy a happiness commensurate
with your kind wishes, that I love you, and the quiet haven of your
gentleness, now that you have cast from you that which defiled,3299
3299 [Alluding to the deposition of Eustathius, who had been charged
with the crime of seduction. The reader who consults the original of
this chapter, especially the latter part of it, may judge of the
difficulty of eliciting any tolerable sense from an obscure, and
possibly corrupted, text.—Bag.] The translator
(Bag.) shows ingenuity in this extracting of the general sense
from the involved Greek of the writing of Constantine or the
translation as it supposably is. But the very fact of the obscurity
shown in this and in his oration alike is conclusive against any
thought that the literary work ascribed to Constantine was written by
Eusebius. | and received in its place at once sound
morality and concord, firmly planting in the vessel the sacred
standard, and guided, as one may say, by a helm of iron in your course
onward to the light of heaven. Receive then on board that merchandise
which is incorruptible, since, as it were, all bilge water has been drained
from the vessel; and be careful henceforth so to secure the enjoyment
of all your present blessing, that you may not seem at any future time
either to have determined any measure on the impulse of inconsiderate
or ill-directed zeal, or in the first instance rashly to have entered
on an inexpedient course. May God preserve you, beloved
brethren!”E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH