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| Alexander, Bishop of Constantinople, when at the Point of Death proposes the Election either of Paul or of Macedonius as his Successor. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter VI.—Alexander, Bishop of Constantinople,
when at the Point of Death proposes the Election either of Paul or of
Macedonius as his Successor.
About the same time another
disturbance in addition to those we have recorded, was raised at
Constantinople on the following account. Alexander, who had presided
over the churches in that city, and had strenuously opposed Arius,
departed this life,265
265Socrates is undoubtedly mistaken in setting the date
of Alexander’s death as late as 340 a.d.
The council convened to examine and confute the charges against
Athanasius met in 339 a.d., and the record at
that date has it (see chap. 7) that Eusebius had taken possession of
the see of Constantinople. Alexander must therefore have died before
having occupied the bishopric for twenty-three years and lived
ninety-eight years in all, without having ordained any one to succeed
him. But he had enjoined the proper persons to choose one of the two
whom he named; that is to say, if they desired one who was competent to
teach, and of eminent piety, they should elect Paul, whom he had
himself ordained presbyter, a man young indeed in years, but of
advanced intelligence and prudence; but if they wished a man of
venerable aspect, and external show only of sanctity, they might
appoint Macedonius, who had long been a deacon among them and was aged.
Hence there arose a great contest respecting the choice of a bishop
which troubled the church exceedingly; for ever since the people were
divided into two parties, one of which favored the tenets of Arius,
while the other held what the Nicene Synod had defined, those who held
the doctrine of consubstantiality always had the advantage during the
life of Alexander, the Arians disagreeing among themselves and
perpetually conflicting in opinion. But after the death of that
prelate, the issue of the struggle became doubtful, the defenders of
the orthodox faith insisting on the ordination of Paul, and all the
Arian party espousing the cause of Macedonius. Paul therefore was
ordained bishop in the church called Irene,266
266So called, not because there was a saint or eminent
person of that name, but on the same principle as the church called
Sophia. For the history of the latter church, see Dehio and Bezold,
Die Kirchliche Baukuns des Abendlandes, I. p. 21.
which is situated near the great church of Sophia; whose
election appeared to be more in accordance with the suffrage of the