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| Athanasius, passing through Jerusalem on his Return to Alexandria, is received into Communion by Maximus: and a Synod of Bishops, convened in that City, confirms the Nicene Creed. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XXIV.—Athanasius, passing through Jerusalem on his
Return to Alexandria, is received into Communion by Maximus: and a
Synod of Bishops, convened in that City, confirms the Nicene
Athanasius the bishop being
fortified with such letters as these, passed through Syria, and came
into Palestine. On arriving at Jerusalem he acquainted Maximus the
bishop both with what had been done in the Council of Sardica, and also
that the Emperor Constantius had confirmed its decision: he then
proposed that a Synod of the bishops there should be held.
336The bishop of Jerusalem was under the jurisdiction
of the metropolitan bishop of Cæsarea, and according to later
usage and canon, had no right to call a synod without the permission of
the metropolitan. Evidently usage had not yet become fixed into
uniformity in this respect.
therefore, without delay sent for certain of the bishops of Syria and
Palestine, and having assembled a council, he restored Athanasius to
communion, and to his former dignity. After which the Synod
communicated by letter337
337Cf. Athan, Apol. c. Arian. 57.
to the Alexandrians, and to all the
bishops of Egypt and Libya, what had been determined respecting
Athanasius. Whereupon the adversaries of Athanasius exceedingly derided
Maximus, because having before assisted in his deposition, he had
suddenly changed his mind, and as if nothing had previously taken
place, had voted for his restoration to communion and rank. When
Ursacius and Valens, who had been fiery partisans of Arianism,
ascertained these things, condemning their former zeal, they proceeded
to Rome, where they presented their recantation to Julius the bishop,
and gave their assent to the doctrine of consubstantiality: they also
wrote to Athanasius, and expressed their readiness to hold communion
with him in future. Thus Ursacius and Valens were at that time subdued
by the good fortune of Athanasius and induced to recognize the orthodox
faith. Athanasius passed through Pelusium on his way to Alexandria, and
admonished the inhabitants of every city to beware of the Arians, and
to receive those only that professed the Homoousian faith. In some of
the churches also he performed ordination; which afforded another
ground of accusation against him, because of his undertaking to ordain
in the dioceses of others.338
338Cf. Apost. Cann. XXXV. ‘Let not a
bishop dare to ordain beyond his limits, in cities and places not
subject to him.’ It follows, therefore, that the whole of Egypt
was not under the bishop of Alexandria; otherwise no such charge as is
here mentioned could have been made against Athanasius. That these
ordinations were made in Egypt is evident from the mention of Pelusium,
which Athanasius had already passed through.
Such was the progress of affairs at that period in reference to