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| Of the Bishops of the Large Towns in the Reign of Constantine; and how, from fear of Licinius, Christianity was professed cautiously in the East as far as Libya, while in the West, through the Favor of Constantine, it was professed with Freedom. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter II.—Of the
Bishops of the Large Towns in the Reign of Constantine; and how, from
fear of Licinius, Christianity was professed cautiously in the East as
far as Libya, while in the West, through the Favor of Constantine, it
was professed with Freedom.
During the consulate of
Constantine Cæsar and Crispus Cæsar, Silvester governed the
Church of Rome; Alexander, that of Alexandria; and Macarius, that of
Jerusalem. Not one, since Romanus,1068
1068Who this Romanus was is uncertain, as his name does
not occur in the catalogue of bishops of Antioch, according to
Hieronymus’ edition of the Chronicon, nor in Nicephorus.
In one index at the end of a codex of Eusebius’ History,
in Florence, his name occurs as the twenty-second, in order, and
between Philagonius and Eustathius. Theodoret, H. E. i. 3, gives
the succession Vitalis, Philagonius.
had been appointed over the Church of Antioch on the Orontes; for the
persecution it appears, had prevented the ceremony of ordination from
taking place. The bishops assembled at Nicæa not long after were,
however, so sensible of the purity of the life and doctrines of
Eustathius, that they adjudged him worthy to fill the apostolic see;
although he was then bishop of the neighboring Berœa, they
translated him to Antioch.1069
The Christians of the East, as far as Libya on the
borders of Egypt, did not dare to meet openly as a church; for Licinius
had withdrawn his favor from them; but the Christians of the West, the
Greeks, the Macedonians, and the Illyrians, met for worship in safety
through the protection of Constantine, who was then at the head of the
Roman Empire.1070
1070For a narrative of the treatment of the Christians
by Licinius, and the war between Constantine and Licinius on their
account, see Soc. i. 3, 4.