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| Erection of a Temple by Constantine the Great at Golgotha, in Jerusalem; its Dedication. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXVI.—Erection
of a Temple by Constantine the Great at Golgotha, in Jerusalem; its
The temple,1192
1192Eus. V. C. iv. 43–47; Athan. Apol.
cont. Arian. 84; Soc. i. 33. Cf. Theodoret, H. E. i. 31
(29). Soz.’s account is better than that of either Soc. or
called the “Great Martyrium,” which was built in the place
of the skull at Jerusalem, was completed about the thirtieth year1193
of the reign of Constantine; and Marianus, an official, who was a
short-hand writer of the emperor, came to Tyre and delivered a letter
from the emperor to the council, commanding them to repair quickly to
Jerusalem, in order to consecrate the temple. Although this had been
previously determined upon, yet the emperor deemed it necessary that
the disputes which prevailed among the bishops who had been convened at
Tyre should be first adjusted, and that they should be purged of all
discord and grief before going to the consecration of the temple. For
it is fitting to such a festival for the priests to be like-minded.
When the bishops arrived at Jerusalem, the temple was therefore
consecrated, as likewise numerous ornaments and gifts, which were sent
by the emperor and are still preserved in the sacred edifice; their
costliness and magnificence is such that they cannot be looked upon
without exciting wonder. Since that period the anniversary of the
consecration has been celebrated with great pomp by the church of
the festival continues eight days, initiation by baptism is
administered, and people from every region under the sun resort to Jerusalem during
this festival, and visit the sacred places.