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| Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, and Macedonius, the Pneumatomachian. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter III.—Paul,
Bishop of Constantinople, and Macedonius, the Pneumatomachian.
Alexander died1215
1215Cf. Soc. ii. 6. While the order of events is the
same, Soz. had a different source, for he makes additions. Cf. Athan.
Hist. Arian. 7.
about this time, and Paul succeeded to the high priesthood of
Constantinople. The followers of Arius and Macedonius assert that he
took possession at his own motion, and against the advice of Eusebius,
bishop of Nicomedia, or of Theodore, bishop of Heraclea, in Thrace;
upon whom, as being the nearest bishops, the right of conferring
ordination devolved. Many, however, maintain, on the testimony of
Alexander, whom he succeeded, that he was ordained by the bishops who
were then assembled at Constantinople.1216
For when Alexander, who was ninety-eight years of age, and who had
conducted the episcopal office vigorously for twenty-three years, was
at the point of death, his clergy, asked him to whom he wished to turn
over his church. “If,” replied he, “you seek a man
good in Divine matters and one who is apt to teach you, have Paul. But
if you desire one who is conversant with public affairs, and with the
councils of rulers, Macedonius is better.” The Macedonians
themselves admit that this testimony was given by Alexander; but they
say that Paul was more skilled in the transaction of business and the
art of eloquence; but they put emphasis for Macedonius, on the
testimony of his life; and they accuse Paul of having been addicted to
effeminacy and an indifferent conduct.1217
βίος, literally “an indifferent
life.” St. Nilus, St. Basil, and others of the Christian Fathers
use this phrase as opposed to an ascetic life.
It appears, however, from their own acknowledgment, that Paul was a man
of eloquence, and brilliant in teaching the Church. Events proved that
he was not competent to combat the casualties of life, or to hold
intercourse with those in power; for he was never successful in
subverting the machinations of his enemies,1218
1218He had been originally accused by his presbyter
Macedonius. The accusation, according to Theodoret, after his
restoration was sedition (H. E. ii. 5), the crime usually
imputed to the homoousians. Cf. Athan. Hist. Arian.
like those who are adroit in the management of affairs. Although he was
greatly beloved by the people, he suffered severely from the treachery
of those who then rejected the doctrine which prevailed at Nicæa.
In the first place, he was expelled from the church of Constantinople,
as if some accusation of misconduct had been established against him.1219
1219He had been originally accused by his presbyter
Macedonius. The accusation, according to Theodoret, after his
restoration was sedition (H. E. ii. 5), the crime usually
imputed to the homoousians. Cf. Athan. Hist. Arian.
He was then condemned to banishment, and finally, it is said, fell a
victim to the devices of his enemies, and was strangled. But these
latter events took place at a subsequent period.