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| Concerning the Monks of Nitria, and the Monasteries called Cells; about the One in Rhinocorura; about Melas, Dionysius, and Solon. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XXXI.—Concerning the Monks of Nitria, and the
Monasteries called Cells; about the One in Rhinocorura; about Melas,
Dionysius, and Solon.
They call this place Nitria. It
is inhabited by a great number of persons devoted to a life of
philosophy, and derives its name from its vicinity to a village in
which nitre is gathered. It contains about fifty monasteries, built
tolerably near to each other, some of which are inhabited by monks who
live together in society, and others by monks who have adopted a
solitary mode of existence. More in the interior of the desert, about
seventy stadia from this locality, is another place called Cellia,1496
1496See above, note on c. 29. For Nitria and Cellia, see
Ruf. H. M. 21, 22; Pallad. H. L. 69.
throughout which numerous little dwellings are dispersed hither and
thither, and hence its name; but at such a distance that those who
dwell in them can neither see nor hear each other. They assemble
together on the first and last days of each week; and if any monk
happen to be absent, it is evident that he has been left behind
involuntarily, having been hindered by suffering some disease; they do
not all go immediately to see and nurse him, but each one in turn at
different times, and bearing whatever each has suitable for disease.
Except for such a cause, they seldom converse together, unless, indeed,
there be one among them capable of communicating further knowledge
concerning God and the salvation of the soul. Those who dwell in the
cells are those who have attained the summit of philosophy, and who are
therefore able to regulate their own conduct, to live alone, and are
separated from the others for the sake of quietude. This is what I had
briefly to state concerning Scetis and its philosophers. Some one would
probably censure my writing as prolix, were I to enter into further
details concerning their mode of life; for they have established
individual courses of life, labors, customs, exercises, abstinence, and
time, divided naturally according to the age of the individual.
Rhinocorura was also celebrated at this period, on
account of the holy men, not from abroad, but who were natives of the
place. I have heard1497
that the most eminent philosophers among them were Melas, who then
administered the church of the country; Dionysius, who presided over a
monastery situated to the north of the city; and Solon, the brother and
successor to the bishopric of Melas. It is said that when the decree
for the ejection of all priests opposed to Arianism was issued, the
officers appointed to apprehend Melas found him engaged as the lowest
servant, in trimming the lights of the church, with a girdle soiled
with oil on his cloak, and carrying the wicks. When they asked him for
the bishop, he replied that he was within, and that he would conduct
them to him. As they were fatigued with their journey, he led them to
the episcopal dwelling, made them sit down at table, and gave them to
eat of such things as he had. After the repast, he supplied them with
water to wash their hands; for he served the guests, and then told them
who he was. Amazed at his conduct, they confessed the mission on which
they had arrived; but from respect to him, gave him full liberty to go
whereever he would. He, however, replied that he would not shrink from
the sufferings to which the other bishops who maintained the same
sentiments as himself were exposed, and that he was willing to go into
exile. Having philosophized from his youth, he had exercised himself in
all the monastic virtues.
Solon quitted the pursuits of commerce to embrace a
monastic life, a measure which tended greatly to his welfare; for under
the instruction of his brother and other ascetics, he progressed
rapidly in piety towards God, and in goodness towards his neighbor. The
church of Rhinocorura having been thus, from the beginning, under the
guidance of such exemplary bishops, never afterwards swerved from their
precepts, and produced good men. The clergy of this church dwell in one
house, sit at the same table, and have everything in common. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH