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| Antiphonal Hymns against the Arians introduced by John. The Interests of the Orthodox are much augmented by the Teachings of John, while the Wealthy are More and More Enraged. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
VIII.—Antiphonal Hymns against the Arians introduced by
John. The Interests of the Orthodox are much augmented by the Teachings
of John, while the Wealthy are More and More Enraged.
The Arians, having been
deprived of their churches in Constantinople during the reign of
Theodosius, held their churches without the walls of the city.1594
They previously assembled by night in the public porticoes, and were
divided into bands, so that they sang antiphonally, for they had
composed certain refrains which reflected their own dogma, and at the
break of day marched in procession, singing these hymns, to the places
in which they held their churches. They proceeded in this manner on all
solemn festivals, and on the first and last days of the week. The
sentiments propounded in these odes were such as were likely to
engender disputes. As, for instance, the following: “Where are
those who say that the Three Persons constitute one Power?” Other
similar acrimonious observations were interspersed throughout their
compositions. John was fearful lest any of his own church people should
be led astray by witnessing these exhibitions, and therefore commanded
them to sing hymns in the same manner. The orthodox became more
distinguished, and in a short time surpassed the opposing heretics in
number and processions; for they had silver crosses and lighted wax
tapers borne before them. The eunuch of the empress was appointed to
regulate these processions, to pay the cost of whatever might be
required, and to prepare hymns. Hence the Arians, impelled either by
jealousy or revenge, attacked the members of the Catholic Church. Much
bloodshed ensued on both sides. Briso (for this was the name of the
imperial eunuch) was wounded on the forehead by a stone that was cast
at him. The resentment of the emperor was kindled, and he put a stop to
the Arian assemblies. Having commenced the custom of singing hymns in
the manner and from the cause above stated, the members of the Catholic
Church did not discontinue the practice, but have retained it to the
present day. The institution of these processions and his services in
the Church endeared John to the people; but he was hated by the clergy
and the powerful on account of his free boldness, for he never failed
to rebuke the clergy when he detected them in acts of injustice, nor to
exhort the powerful to return to the practice of virtue when they
abused their wealth, committed impiety, or yielded to