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| Obstinancy of Theophilus. Enmity between the Egyptians and the Citizens of Constantinople. Flight of Theophilus. Nilammon the Ascetic. The Synod concerning John. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XIX.—Obstinancy of Theophilus. Enmity between the
Egyptians and the Citizens of Constantinople. Flight of Theophilus.
Nilammon the Ascetic. The Synod concerning John.
Although Theophilus would fain
have brought an accusation against John,1609
1609Soc. vi. 17; Pallad. ibid.; and Chrys. Ep.
ad Inn. Soz. has independent material.
under the plea that he had unlawfully reinstated himself in his
bishopric, yet he was deterred from doing so by the fear of offending
the emperor, who had been compelled to recall John, as the means of
suppressing the popular insurrection. Theophilus, however, received an
accusation against Heraclides during the absence of the accused, in the
hope of thereby authorizing the sentence of condemnation which had been
issued against John. But the friends of Heraclides interposed, and
declared that it was unjust, and contrary to ecclesiastical law, to
condemn one who was absent. Theophilus and his partisans maintained the
opposite side of the question: the people of Alexandria and of Egypt
sided with them, and were opposed by the citizens of Constantinople.
The strife between the two parties became so vehement that bloodshed
ensued; many were wounded, and others slain in the contest. Severian,
and all the bishops at Constantinople who did not support the cause of
John, became apprehensive for their personal safety, and quitted the
city in haste. Theophilus, also, fled the city at the commencement of
the winter; and, in company with Isaac the monk, sailed for Alexandria.
A wind arose which drove the vessel to Gera, a small city about fifty
stadia from Pelusium. The bishop of this city died, and the
inhabitants, I have been informed, elected Nilammon to preside over
their church; he was a good man, and had attained the summit of
monastic philosophy. He dwelt without the city, in a cell of which the
door was built up with stones. He refused to accept the dignity of the
priesthood; and Theophilus, therefore, visited him in person, to exhort
him to receive ordination at his hands. Nilammon repeatedly refused the
honor; but, as Theophilus would take no refusal, he said to him,
“To-morrow, my father, you shall act as you please; to-day it is
requisite that I should arrange my affairs.” Theophilus repaired,
on the following day, to the cell of the monk, and commanded the door
to be opened; but Nilammon exclaimed, “Let us first engage in
prayer.” Theophilus complied and began to pray. Nilammon likewise
prayed within his cell, and in the act of prayer he expired.
Theophilus, and those who were standing with him without the cell, knew
nothing at the time of what had occurred; but, when the greater part of
the day had passed away, and the name of Nilammon had been loudly
reiterated without his returning any answer, the stones were removed
from the door, and the monk was found dead. They honored him with a
public burial after they had clothed him in the necessary vestments,
and the inhabitants built a house of prayer about his tomb; and they
celebrate the day of his death, in a very marked way, until this day.
Thus died Nilammon, if it can be called death to quit this life for
another,—rather than accept a bishopric of which, with
extraordinary modesty, he considered himself unworthy.
After his return to
Constantinople, John appeared to be more than ever beloved by the
people. Sixty bishops assembled together in that city, and annulled all
the decrees of the council of “The Oak.” They confirmed
John in the possession of the bishopric, and enacted that he should
officiate as a priest, confer ordination, and perform all the duties of
the church usually devolving on the president. At this time Serapion
was appointed bishop of Heraclea in Thrace. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH