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| Of Artemius the Duke. Of Publia the Deaconess and her divine boldness. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XIV.—Of Artemius the
639 By
the Constitution of Constantine the supreme military command was given
to a “Magister equitum” and a “Magister
peditum.” Under them were a number of “Duces” and
“Comites,” Dukes and Counts, with territorial
titles. | Of Publia the Deaconess and her
divine boldness.
640 Ammianus Marcellinus (XXII. 11) says, “Artemius ex duce
Ægypti, Alexandrinis urgentibus, atrocium criminum mole, supplicio
capitali multatus est.” | commanded the troops
in Egypt. He had obtained this command in the time of Constantine, and
had destroyed most of the idols. For this reason Julian not only
confiscated his property but ordered his decapitation.
These and like these were the
deeds of the man whom the impious describe as the mildest and least
passionate of men.
I will now include in my history
the noble story of a right excellent woman, for even women, armed with
divine zeal, despised the mad fury of Julian.
In those days there was a woman
named Publia, of high reputation, and illustrious for deeds of virtue.
For a short time she wore the yoke of marriage, and had offered its
most goodly fruit to God, for from this fair soil sprang John, who for
a long time was chief presbyter at Antioch, and was often elected to
the apostolic see, but from time to time declined the dignity. She
maintained a company of virgins vowed to virginity for life, and spent
her time in praising God who had made and saved her. One day the
emperor was passing by, and as they esteemed the Destroyer an object of
contempt and derision, they struck up all the louder music, chiefly
chanting those psalms which mock the helplessness of idols, and saying
in the words of David “The idols of the nations are of silver and
gold, the work of men’s hands,”641 and
after describing their insensibility, they added “like them be
they that make them and all those that trust in them.”642 Julian heard them, and was
very angry, and told them to hold their peace while he was passing by.
She did not however pay the least attention to his orders, but put
still greater energy into their chaunt, and when the emperor passed by
again told them to strike up “Let God arise and let his enemies
be scattered.”643 On this Julian in
wrath ordered the choir mistress to be brought before him; and, though
he saw that respect was due to her old age, he neither compassionated
her gray hairs, nor respected her high character, but told some of his
escort to box both her ears, and by their violence to make her cheeks
red. She however took the outrage for honour, and returned home, where,
as was her wont, she kept up her attack upon him with her spiritual
songs,644 just as the composer and teacher of the
song laid the wicked spirit that vexed Saul.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH