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| Of the holy Basilius, Bishop of Cæsarea, and the measures taken against him by Valens and the prefect Modestus. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XVI.—Of the holy Basilius, Bishop of
Cæsarea, and the measures taken against him by Valens and the
prefect Modestus.
one might almost say, deprived every church of its shepherd, and set
out for the Cappadocian Cæsarea,723
723 Cæsarea Ad Argæum (now Kasaria) at the foot of Mount
Argæus, was made a Roman province by Tiberius a.d. 18. The progress of Valens had hitherto been
successful, and the Catholic cause was endangered. Bithynia had been
coerced, and the mobile Galatians had given in. “The fate of
Cappadocia depended on Basil.” cf. Dict. Ch. Biog. i.
289. | at that
time the see of the great Basil, a light of the world. Now he had sent
the prefect before him with orders either to persuade Basil to embrace
the communion of Eudoxius, or, in the event of his refusal, to punish
him by exile. Previously acquainted as he was with the bishop’s
high reputation, he was at first unwilling to attack him, for he was
apprehensive lest the bishop, by boldly meeting and withstanding his
assault, should furnish an example of bravery to the rest. This artful
stratagem was as ineffective as a spider’s web. For the stories
told of old were quite enough for the rest of the episcopate, and they
kept the wall of the faith unmoved like bastions in the circle of its
The prefect, however, on his
arrival at Cæsarea, sent for the great Basil. He treated him with
respect, and, addressing him with moderate and courteous language,
urged him to yield to the exigencies of the time, and not to forsake so
many churches on account of a petty nicety of doctrine. He moreover
promised him the friendship of the emperor, and pointed out that
through it he might be the means of conferring great advantages upon
many. “This sort of talk,” said the divine man, “is
fitted for little boys, for they and their like easily swallow such
inducements. But they who are nurtured by divine words will not suffer
so much as a syllable of the divine creeds to be let go, and for their
sake are ready, should need require, to embrace every kind of death.
The emperor’s friendship I hold to be of great value if conjoined
with true religion; otherwise I doom it for a deadly
Then the prefect was moved to
wrath, and declared that Basil was out of his senses.
“But,” said the divine man, “this madness I pray be
ever mine.” The bishop was then ordered to retire, to deliberate
on the course to be pursued, and on the morrow to declare to what
conclusion he had come. Intimidation was moreover joined with argument.
The reply of the illustrious bishop is related to have been “I
for my part shall come to you tomorrow the same man that I am today; do
not yourself change, but carry out your threats.” After these
discussions the prefect met the emperor and reported the conversation,
pointing out the bishop’s virtue, and the undaunted manliness of
his character. The emperor said nothing and passed in. In his palace he
saw that plagues from heaven had fallen, for his son724
724 Galates. cf. Soc. iv. 26. | lay sick at the very gates of death and
his wife725
725 Dominica. cf. Soc. iv. 26. | was beset by many ailments. Then he
recognised the cause of these sorrows, and entreated the divine man,
whom he had threatened with chastisement, to come to his house. His
officers performed the imperial behests and then the great Basil came
to the palace.
After seeing the emperor’s
son on the point of death he promised him restoration to life if he
should receive holy baptism at the hands of the pious, and with this
pledge went his way. But the emperor, like the foolish Herod,
remembered his oath, and ordered some of the Arian
faction who were present to baptize the boy, who immediately died. Then
Valens repented; he saw how fraught with danger the keeping of his oath
had been, and came to the divine temple and received the teaching of
the great Basil, and offered the customary gifts at the altar. The
bishop moreover ordered him to come within the divine curtains where he
sat and talked much with him about the divine decrees and in turn
listened to him.
Now there was present a certain
man of the name of Demosthenes,726
726 If
this Demosthenes “is the same person with the Demosthenes who
four years later held the office of vicar of Pontus we have in him one
of the many examples presented by the history of the Eastern empire of
the manner in which base arts raised the meanest persons to the highest
dignities.” Dict. Chris. Biog. s.v. But the chief cook may have
been a high functionary like the chief baker at the court of the
Pharaohs or the Lord High Steward at that of St. James’s. Of the
elevation of a menial to power many parallels may be found. Demosthenes
of Pontus afterwards became a partisan of the Semi-arians and accused
Basil’s brother, Gregory of Nyssa, of dishonesty. Basil. Epist.
264, 385, 405. | superintendent of
the imperial kitchen, who in rudely chiding the man who instructed the
world was guilty of a solecism of speech. Basil smiled and said
“we see here an illiterate Demosthenes;” and on Demosthenes
losing his temper and uttering threats, he continued “your
business is to attend to the seasoning of soups; you cannot understand
theology because your ears are stopped up.” So he said, and the
emperor was so delighted that he gave him some fine lands which he had
there for the poor under his care, for they being in grievous bodily
affliction were specially in need of care and cure.
In this manner then the great
Basil avoided the emperor’s first attack, but when he came a
second time his better judgement was obstructed by counsellors who
deceived him; he forgot what had happened on the former occasion and
ordered Basil to go over to the hostile faction, and, failing to
persuade him, commanded the decree of exile to be enforced. But when he
tried to affix his signature to it he could not even form one tittle of
a word,727
727 στοιχεῖον
is a simple sound of the voice as distinguished
from γραμμα, a
letter. | for the pen broke, and when the same
thing happened to the second and to the third pen, and he still strove
to sign that wicked edict, his hand shook; he quaked, his soul was
filled with fright; he tore the paper with both his hands, and so proof
was given by the Ruler of the world that it was He Himself who had
permitted these sufferings to be undergone by the rest, but had made
Basil stronger than the snares laid against him, and, by all the
incidents of Basil’s case, had declared His own almighty power,
while on the other hand He had proclaimed abroad the courage of good
men. Thus Valens was disappointed in his attack.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH