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| Of what bishops were at this time distinguished in Asia and Pontus. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXVII.—Of what bishops
were at this time distinguished in Asia and Pontus.
Among the bishops were the two Gregorii, the one of Nazianzus796
796 Gregorius of Nazianzus (in Cappadocia, on the Halys) was so called
not as bishop of Nazianzus. He was bishop successively of Sasima,
“a detestable little village,”—(Carm. xi.
439–446)—and of Constantinople, and was called
“Nazianzenus” because his father and namesake was bishop of
that see. On his acting as bishop at Nazianzus after his withdrawal
from Constantinople, vide note on page 136. | and the other of Nyssa,797
797 A
younger brother of Basil, bishop of Cæsarea, born about 335; he
was bishop of Nyssa, an obscure town of Cappadocia, from 372 to 395.
Their parents were Basil, an advocate and Emmelia. Petrus, the youngest
of ten children, was bishop of Sebaste. | the latter the brother and the former
the friend and fellow worker of the great Basilius. These were foremost
champions of piety in Cappadocia; and in front rank with them was
Peter, born of the same parents with Basilius and Gregorius, who though
not having received like them a foreign education, like them lived a
life of brilliant distinction.
In Pisidia Optimus,798
798 Bishop of Antioch in Pisidia; was present at Constantinople in
381. He was a witness to the will of Gregory of Nazianzus. | in Lycaonia Amphilochius,799 fought in the front rank on behalf of
their fathers’ faith, and repelled the enemies’
In the West Damasus,800 Bishop of Rome, and Ambrosius, entrusted
with the government of Milan, smote those who attacked them from afar.
In conjunction with these, bishops forced to dwell in remote regions,
confirmed their friends and undid their foes by writings—thus
pilots able to cope with the greatness of the storm were granted by the
governor of the universe. Against the violence of the foe He set in
battle array the virtue of His captains, and provided means meet to
ward off the troubles of these difficult times, and not only were the
churches granted this kind of protection by their loving Lord, but
deemed worthy of yet another kind of guidance.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH