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| To John, Bishop of Germanicia. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
2143 The following letters omitted in the volume of Sirmondus have been
published in the Auctarium of Garnerius and elsewhere. The following
letter number CXLVII is the CXXVth in all the manuscripts. Schulze
remarks that he would have replaced it in its own rank but for the
confusion which would thus have been introduced in quotation. John,
bishop of Germanicia is also the recipient of Letter CXXXIII. This is
written a few days after the former, late in 449 or at the beginning of
450. | To John, Bishop of
Immediately on receipt of your
holiness’s former letter I replied. About the present state of
affairs, it is impossible to entertain any good hope. I apprehend that
this is the beginning of the general apostasy. For when we see that
those who lament what was done as they say, by violence, at Ephesus,
show no signs of repentance, but abide by their unlawful deeds and are
building up a superstructure at once of injustice and of impiety; when
we see that the rest take no concerted action to deny their deeds and
do not refuse to hold communion with men who abide by their unlawful
action, what hope of good is it possible for us to entertain? Had they
been expressing their admiration of what has happened as though all had
been well and rightly done, it would only have been proper for them to
abide by what they themselves commend. But if, as they say, they are
lamenting what has been done and stating it to have been done by force
and violence, why in the world do they not repudiate what has been
unlawfully done? Why is the present, which lasts for such a little
time, preferred before what is sure to come to pass? Why in the world
do they openly lie and deny that any innovation has been introduced
into doctrine? On account of what murders and witchcrafts have I been
expelled? What adulteries did the man commit? What tombs did the man
violate? It is perfectly clear even to outsiders that it was for
doctrine that I and the rest were expelled. Why the Lord Domnus too,
because he would not accept “the Chapters”2144
2144 i.e. the twelve articles or chapters couched in the form of
anathema against the heads of Nestorian doctrine, appended to
Cyril’s third letter to Nestorius. | was deposed by these excellent persons
who called them admirable and confessed that they abided by them. I had
read their propositions, and they rejected me as the head and front of
the heresy and expelled others for the same reason.2145
2145 It
has been pointed out before (Page 293) that at the Latrocinium Domnus
was compelled to yield his presidential seat as Patriarch of Antioch,
Dioscorus presiding, the Roman legate sitting second, and Juvenal of
Jerusalem third. “Cowed by the dictatorial spirit of Dioscorus
and unnerved by the outrageous violence of Barsumas and his band of
brutal monks he consented to revoke his former condemnation of
Eutyches.” “This cowardly act of submission was followed by
a still baser proof of weakness, the condemnation of the venerable
Flavian. Dioscorus having thus by sheer intimidation obtained his ends
revenged himself for their former opposition to his wishes upon those
whose cowardice had made them the instruments of his nefarious designs,
and proceeded to mete out to them the same measure they had dealt to
Flavian. Domnus was the last to be deposed. The charges alleged against
him were his reported approval of a Nestorian sermon preached before
him at Antioch by Theodoret, on the death of Cyril, and some
expressions in letters written by him to Dioscorus condemning the
obscure character of Cyril’s anathematisms.”
Canon Venables in Dic.
Chris. Biog. vol 1. p. 879. |
What has happened proves plainly
enough that they supposed the Saviour to have laid down the law of
practical virtue rather for Hamaxobians2146
2146 i.e. wild nomad tribes who live in waggons (ἁμαξόβιοι). These Horace (Car. iii. 24, 10) takes as a better type of
character than wealthy villa-builders;—
“Campestres melius
Quorum plaustra vagas rite
trahunt domos
Vivunt.” |
than for them. When some men had given in charges against Candidianus,
the Pisidian,2147
2147 Bishop of Antioch in Pisidia. He was of the orthodox party and
stated himself to have been bred from childhood in the Catholic faith.
(Conc. iv. 304.) His name is also written Calendio (Tillem. xv. 579,
Dic. Chris. Biog. 1, 395). | accusing him of
several acts of adultery and other iniquities, it is said that the
president of the council remarked, “If you are bringing
accusation on points of doctrine, we receive your charges; we have not
come here to decide about adulteries.” Accordingly Athenius and
2148 Athanasius of Perrha, the delator of earlier letters (vide note on
page 264) had been deposed from his bishopric at a synod of uncertain
date held between 444 and 449 at Antioch under Domnus, and replaced by
Sabinianus. | who had been expelled by the
Eastern Synod were bidden to return to their own churches; just as
though our Saviour had laid down no laws about conduct, and had only
ordered us to observe doctrines—which those most sapient persons
have been foremost in corrupting. Let them then cease to mock; let them
no longer attempt to conceal the impiety which they have confirmed by
blows as well as by words. If this is not the case, let them tell us
the reasons of the massacres; let them own in writing the distinction
between the natures of our Saviour, and that the union is without
confusion; let them declare that after the union both Godhead and
manhood remained unimpaired. “God is not mocked.”2149 Let the chapters be denied which they
have often repudiated, and now at Ephesus have sanctioned. Do not let
them trick your holiness by their lies. They used to praise my
utterances at Antioch, being brethren, and when made readers, and
ordained deacons, presbyters and bishops; and at the end of my
discourse they used to embrace me and kiss me, on head, on breast, on
hands; and some of them would cling to my knees, calling my doctrine
apostolic,—the very doctrine that they have now condemned, and
anathematized. They used to call me luminary, not only of the East, but
of the whole world, and now I forsooth have been proscribed and, so far
as lies in their power, I have not even bread to eat. They have
anathematized even all who converse with me. But the man whom but a
little while ago they deposed and called Valentinian and Apollinarian
they have honoured as a martyr of the faith, rolling at his feet,
asking his pardon and calling him spiritual father. Do even woodlice
change their colour to match the stones or chameleons their skin to
suit the leaves, as these men do their mind to match the times? I give
up to them see, dignity, rank, and all the luxury of this life. On the
side of the apostolic doctrines I await the evils which they deem
terrible, finding sufficient consolation in the thought of the judgment
of the Lord. For I hope that for the sake of this injustice the Lord
will remit me many of my sins.
Now I implore your holiness to
beware of the fellowship of iniquity and to insist on their repudiation
of what has been done. If they refuse shun them as traitors to the
faith. That your reverence should wait awhile to see if the tempest
will pass, we have not thought subject for blame. But after the
ordination of the primate of the East2150
2150 i.e.
Maximus, who was appointed by the Latrocinium to succeed Domnus in the
see of Antioch, and consecrated by Anatolius in defiance of right and
usage. Or possibly the irregularity of the nomination of Maximus may
lead Theodoret to regard the see as vacant. Garnerius understands the
reference to be to an interval between the appointment and consecration
of Maximus. |
every man’s mind will be made manifest. Deign, Sir, to pray for
me. At this time I am sorely in want of that help that I may hold out
against all that is being devised against me.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH