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| To Uranius, Governor of Cyprus. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
LXXVI. To Uranius,
Governor of Cyprus.
True friendship is strengthened
by intercourse, but separation cannot sunder it, for its bonds are
strong. This truth might easily be shewn by many other examples, but it
is enough for us to verify what I say by our own case. Between me and
you are indeed many things, mountains, cities, and the sea, yet nothing
has destroyed my recollection of your excellency. No sooner do we
behold any one arriving from those towns which lie on the coast, than
the conversation is turned on Cyprus and on its right worthy governor,
and we are delighted to have tidings of your high repute. And lately we
have been gratified to an unusual degree at learning the most
delightful news of all: for what, most excellent sir, can be more
pleasing to us than to see your noble soul illuminated by the light of
knowledge? For we think it right that he who is adorned with many kinds
of virtue should add to them also its colophon, and we believe that we
shall behold what we desire. For your nobility will doubtless eagerly
seize the God-given boon, moved thereto by true friends who clearly
understand its value, and guided to the bountiful God “Who wills
all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth,”1723 netting men by men’s means to
salvation, and bringing them that He captures to the ageless life. The
fisherman indeed deprives his prey of life, but our Fisher frees all
that He takes alive from death’s painful bonds, and therefore
“did he shew himself upon earth, and conversed with men,”1724 bringing men His life, conveying
teaching by means of the visible manhood, and giving to reasonable
beings the law of a suitable life and conversation. This law He has
confirmed by miracles, and by the death of the flesh has destroyed
death. By raising the flesh He has given the promise of resurrection to
us all, after giving the resurrection of His own precious body as a
worthy pledge of ours. So loved He men even when they hated Him that
the mystery of the œconomy fails to obtain credence with some on
account of the very bitterness of His sufferings, and it is enough to
show the depths of His loving kindness that He is even yet day by day
calling to men who do not believe. And He does so not as though He were
in need of the service of men,—for of what is the Creator of the
universe in want?—but because He thirsts for the salvation of
every man. Grasp then, my excellent friend, His gift; sing praises to
the Giver, and procure for us a very great and right goodly