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| Pierius the presbyter. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter LXXVI.
2496 Flourished before 299. | presbyter of the church at
Alexandria in the reign of Carus and Diocletian, at the time when
Theonas ruled as bishop in the same church, taught the people with
great success and attained such elegance of language and published so
many treatises on all sorts of subjects (which are still extant) that
he was called Origen Junior. He was remarkable for his self-discipline,
devoted to voluntary poverty, and thoroughly acquainted with the
dialectic art. After the persecution, he passed the
rest of his life at Rome. There is extant a long treatise of his On
the prophet Hosea which from internal evidence appears to have been
delivered on the vigil of Passover.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH