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2685 Syagrius of Lyons, died 486. | wrote On
faith, against the presumptuous words, which heretics assume for
the purpose of destroying or superseding the names of the Holy Trinity,
for they say that the Father ought not to be called Father, lest the
name, Son should harmonize with that of Father, but that he should be
called the Unbegotten or the Imperishable and the Absolute, in order
that whatever may be distinct from Him in person, may also be separate
in nature, showing that the Father, who is unchangeable in nature may
be called the Unbegotten, though the Scripture may not call Him so,
that the person of the Son is begotten from Him, not made, and that the
person of the Holy Spirit proceeds from Him not begotten, and not made.
Under the name of this Syagrius I found seven books, entitled On
Faith and the rules of Faith, but as they did not agree in style, I
did not believe they were written by him.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH