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Chapter XCII.
2738 Caius Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius born about 430, bishop 472,
died about 488. | bishop of
the Arverni wrote several acceptable works and being a man sound in
doctrine as well as thoroughly imbued with divine and human learning
and a man of commanding genius wrote a considerable volume of
letters to different persons written in various metres or in
prose and this showed his ability in literature. Strong in Christian
vigour even in the midst of that barbaric ferocity which at that time
oppressed the Gauls he was regarded as a catholic father and a
distinguished doctor. He flourished during the tempest which marked the
rule of Leo and Zenos.]2739
2739 This chapter is in Norimb. and three only of the mss. seen by the translator N. British Museum Harl. 3155,
xv cent.; 43 Wolfenbüttel 838 xv cent.; k Paris B. N. Lat. 896. It
is omitted by A T 25 30 31 a e 21 etc. etc. etc. and really has no
place in the text, but as it was early introduced and is in the
editions (not however the earliest ones) it is given here. | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH