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| I am no heretic, but declare my faith, that of my baptism. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
4. At the
very beginning of his work he says, “As if they could not be
heretics by themselves, without me.” I must first show that,
whether with him or without him, we are no heretics: then, when our
status is made clear, we shall be safe from having the infamous
imputation hurled at us from other men’s reports. I was already
living in a monastery, where, as both he and all others know, about 30
years ago, I was made regenerate by Baptism, and received the seal of
the faith at the hands of those saintly men, Chromatius,2823
2823 Bp. of Aquileia at the time of this Apology and maintaining
friendly relations with both Jerome and Rufinus. (Ruf. Pref. to
Eusebius in this Volume. Jer. Ep. vii, lx. 19, Pref. to Bks. of Solomon
&c. &c.) | Jovinus2824
2824 See Jerome Ep. vii. It is not known of what church he was
Bp. | and Eusebius,2825
2825 Brother of Chromatius. See an allusion to him in Jerome, Ep. viii,
and lx, 19. His see is unknown. | all of them now bishops, well-tried and
highly esteemed in the church of God, one of whom was then a presbyter
of the church under Valerian of blessed memory, the second was
archdeacon, the third Deacon, and to me a spiritual father, my teacher
in the creed and the articles of belief. These men so taught me, and so
I believe, namely, that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are of
one Godhead, of one Substance: a Trinity coeternal, inseparable,
incorporeal, invisible, incomprehensible, known to itself alone as it
truly is in its perfection: For “No man2826 knoweth the Son but the Father,
neither knoweth any man the Father but the Son”: and the Holy
Spirit is he who “searcheth2827 the
deep things of God”: that this Trinity, therefore, is without all
bodily visibility, but that it is with the eye of the understanding
that the Son and the Holy Spirit see the Father even as the Father sees
the Son and the Holy Spirit; and further, that in this Trinity there is
no diversity except that one is Father, another Son and a third Holy
Spirit. There is a Trinity as touching the distinction of persons, a
unity in the reality of the Substance. We received, further, that the
only begotten Son of God, through whom in the beginning all existing
things were made, whether visible or invisible, in these last days took
upon him a human body and Soul, and was made man, and suffered for our
salvation; and the third day he rose again from the dead in that very flesh
which had been laid in the sepulchre; and in that very same flesh made
glorious he ascended into the heavens, whence we look for his coming to
judge the quick and the dead. But further we confess that he gave us
hope that we too should rise in a similar manner, so that we believe
that our resurrection will be in the same manner and process, and in
the same form, as the resurrection of our Lord himself from the dead:
that the bodies which we shall receive will not be phantoms or thin
vapours, as some slanderously affirm that we say, but these very bodies
of ours in which we live and in which we die. For how can we truly
believe in the resurrection of the flesh, unless the very nature of
flesh remains in it truly and substantially? It is then without any
equivocation, that we confess the resurrection of this real and
substantial flesh of ours in which we live.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH