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| Fourth charge, of having disobeyed an Imperial order. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
19. Fourth charge, of
having disobeyed an Imperial order.
And now, if it please you, let us consider the
remaining accusation, and permit me to answer it likewise. They have
dared to charge me with resisting your commands, and refusing to leave
my Church. Truly I wonder they are not weary of uttering their
calumnies; I however am not yet weary of answering them, I rather
rejoice to do so; for the more abundant my defence is, the more
entirely must they be condemned. I did not resist the commands of your
Piety, God forbid; I am not a man that would resist even the
1340 λογιστῇ, auditor of accounts? vid. Demosth. de Corona, p. 290. ed.
1823. Arist. Polit. vi. 8. | of the city, much less so great a
Prince. On this matter I need not many words, for the whole city will
bear witness for me. Nevertheless, permit me again to relate the
circumstances from the beginning; for when you hear them, I am sure you
will be astonished at the presumption of my enemies. Montanus, the
officer of the Palace1341
1341 Vid.
Cod. Theod. vi. 30 [summer of 353 a.d.
Prolegg. ch. ii. §7 fin.] | , came and brought
me a letter, which purported to be an answer to one from me, requesting
that I might go into Italy, for the purpose of obtaining a supply of
the deficiencies which I thought existed in the condition of our
Churches. Now I desire to thank your Piety, which condescended to
assent to my request, on the supposition that I had written to you, and
has made provision1342
1342 Apol. Ar. 70, note 5. | for me to undertake
the journey, and to accomplish it without trouble. But here again I am
astonished at those who have spoken falsehood in your ears, that they
were not afraid, seeing that lying belongs to the Devil, and that liars
are alien from Him who says, ‘I am the Truth1343 .’ For I never wrote to you, nor will
my accuser be able to find any such letter; and though I ought to have
written every day, if I might thereby behold your gracious countenance, yet it would
neither have been pious to desert the Churches, nor right to be
troublesome to your Piety, especially since you are willing to grant
our requests in behalf of the Church, although we are not present to
make them. Now may it please you to order me to read what Montanus
commanded me to do. This is as follows1344
1344 Lost,
or never introduced. | .***E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH