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| Then, thus passing over what relates to the essence of the Son as having been already discussed, he treats of the sense involved in “generation,” saying that there are diverse generations, those effected by matter and art, and of buildings,--and that by succession of animals,--and those by efflux, as by the sun and its beam. The lamp and its radiance, scents and ointments and the quality diffused by them,--and the word produced by the mind; and cleverly discusses generation from rotten wood; and from the condensation of fire, and countless other causes. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
§3. Then, thus
passing over what relates to the essence of the Son as having been
already discussed, he treats of the sense involved in
“generation,” saying that there are diverse generations,
those effected by matter and art, and of buildings,—and that by
succession of animals,—and those by efflux, as by the sun and its
beam. The lamp and its radiance, scents and ointments and the quality
diffused by them,—and the word produced by the mind; and cleverly
discusses generation866
866 To make
the grammar of the sentence exact τὴν should here be
substituted for τὸν, the object of the
verb being apparently γέννησιν not λόγον. The whole
section of the analysis is rather confused, and does not clearly
reproduce S. Gregory’s division of the subject. A large part of
this section, and of that which follows it, is repeated with very
slight alteration from Bk. II. §9 (see pp. 113–115 above).
The resemblances are much closer in the Greek text than they appear in
the present translation, in which different hands have been at work in
the two books. | from rotten wood;
and from the condensation of fire, and countless other
Now that we have thus thoroughly
scrutinized our doctrine, it may perhaps be time to set forth and to
consider the opposing statement, examining it side by side in
comparison with our own opinion. He states it thus:—“For
while there are,” he says, “two statements which we have
made, the one, that the essence of the Only-begotten was not before its
own generation, the other that, being generated, it was before all
things, he867 does not prove either of these
statements to be untrue; for he did not venture to say that He was
before that supreme868
868 ἀνωτάτω may
be “supreme,” in the sense of “ultimate” or
“most remote,” or in the more ordinary sense of “most
exalted.” | generation and
formation, seeing that he is opposed at once by the Nature of the
Father, and the judgment of sober-minded men. For what sober man could
admit the Son to be and to be begotten before that supreme generation?
and He Who is without generation needs not generation in order to His
being what He is.” Well, whether he speaks truly, when he says
that our master869 opposed his
antitheses to no purpose, all may surely be aware who have been
conversant with that writer’s works. But for my own part (for I
think that the refutation of his calumny on this matter is a small step
towards the exposure of his malice), I will leave the task of showing
that this point was not passed over by our master without discussion,
and turn my argument to the discussion, as far as in me lies, of the
points now advanced. He says that he has in his own discourse spoken of
two matters,—one, that the essence of the Only-begotten was not
before Its own generation, the other, that, being generated, It was
before all things. Now I think that by what we have already said, the
fact has been sufficiently shown that no new essence was begotten by
the Father besides that which is contemplated in the Father Himself,
and that there is no need for us to be entangled in a contest with
blasphemy of this kind, as if the argument were now propounded to us
for the first time; and further, that the real force of our argument
must be directed to one point, I mean to his horrible and blasphemous
utterance, which clearly states concerning God the Word that “He
was not.” Moreover, as our argument in the foregoing discourse
has already to some extent dealt with the question of his blasphemy, it
would perhaps be superfluous again to establish by like considerations
what we have proved already. For it was to this end that we made those
former statements, that by the earlier impression upon our hearers of
an orthodox mode of thought, the blasphemy of our adversaries, who assert
that non-existence preceded existence in the case of the Only-begotten
God, might be more manifest.
It seems at this point well to
investigate in our argument, by a more careful examination, the actual
significance of “generation.” That this name presents to us
the fact of being as the result of some cause is clear to every one,
and about this point there is, I suppose, no need to dispute. But since
the account to be given of things which exist as the result of cause is
various, I think it proper that this matter should be cleared up in our
discourse by some sort of scientific division. Of things, then, which
are the result of something, we understand the varieties to be as
follows. Some are the result of matter and art, as the structure of
buildings and of other works, coming into being by means of their
respective matter, and these are directed by some art that accomplishes
the thing proposed, with a view to the proper aim of the results
produced. Others are the results of matter and nature; for the
generations of animals are the building870
870 Or
(reading as proposed above, p. 114, οἰκονομεῖ
for οἰκοδομεῖ), “the ordering of nature.” | of
nature, who carries on her own operation by means of their material
bodily subsistence. Others are the result of material efflux, in which
cases the antecedent remains in its natural condition, while that which
flows from it is conceived separately, as in the case of the sun and
its beam, or the lamp and its brightness, or of scents and ointments
and the quality they emit; for these, while they remain in themselves
without diminution, have at the same time, each concurrently with
itself, that natural property which they emit: as the sun its beam, the
lamp its brightness, the scents the perfume produced by them in the
air. There is also another species of “generation” besides
these, in which the cause is immaterial and incorporeal, but the
generation is an object of sense and takes place by corporeal
means;—I speak of the word which is begotten by the mind: for the
mind, being itself incorporeal, brings forth the word by means of the
organs of sense. All these varieties of generation we mentally include,
as it were, in one general view. For all the wonders that are wrought
by nature, which changes the bodies of some animals to something of a
different kind, or produces some animals from a change in liquids, or a
corruption of seed, or the rotting of wood, or out of the condensed
mass of fire transforms the cold vapour that issues from the
firebrands, shut off in the heart of the fire, to produce an animal
which they call the salamander,—these, even if they seem to be
outside the limits we have laid down, are none the less included among
the cases we have mentioned. For it is by means of bodies that nature
fashions these varied forms of animals; for it is such and such a
change of body, disposed by nature in this or that particular way,
which produces this or that particular animal; and this is not a
distinct species of generation besides that which is accomplished as
the result of nature and matter.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH