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| From Pope Innocent to John, Bishop of Jerusalem. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Letter CXXXVII. From Pope
Innocent to John, Bishop of Jerusalem.
Innocent censures John for having allowed the Pelagians
to effuse the disturbance at Bethlehem mentioned in the two preceding
letters and exhorts him to be more watchful over his diocese in future.
The date of the letter is a.d. 417. This was
the year of the death of both John and Innocent, and it is probable
that John never received the letter.
Innocent to his most highly esteemed brother John.
The holy virgins Eustochium and Paula3887
3887 i.e.
Paula the younger, Eustochium’s niece, concerning whose education
Jerome had written to her mother Læta (Letter CVII.). | have deplored to me the ravages,
murders, fires and outrages of all kinds, which they say that the devil
has perpetrated in the district belonging to their church; for with
wonderful clemency and generosity they have left untold the name and
motive of his human agent. Now although there can be no doubt as to who
is the guilty person;3888
3888 The attack
was supposed to have been instigated by Pelagius. | yet you,
my brother, ought to have taken precautions and to have been more
careful of your flock so that no disturbance of the kind might arise;
for others suffer by your negligence, and you encourage men by it to
make havoc of the Lord’s flock till His tender lambs, fleeced and
weakened by fire, sword and persecution, their relations murdered and
dead, are, as we are informed, themselves scarce alive. Does it not
touch your sacred responsibility as a priest3889
3889 In
Jerome’s writings this title is often given to bishops.
Presbyters are by him rarely so called. | that the devil has shewn himself so
powerful against you and yours? Against you, I say; for surely it
speaks ill of your capacity as a priest that a crime so terrible should
have been committed in the pale of your church. Where were your
precautions? Where, after the blow had been struck, were your attempts
at relief? Where too were your words of comfort? These ladies tell me
that up to the present they have been in a state of too great
apprehension to complain of what they have already suffered. I should
judge more gravely of the matter had they spoken to me concerning it
more freely than they have. Beware then, brother, of the wiles of the
old enemy, and in the spirit of a good ruler be vigilant either to
correct or to repress such evils. For they have reached my ears in the
shape of rumours rather than as specific accusations. If nothing is
done, the law of the Church on the subject of injuries may compel the
person who has failed to defend his flock to shew cause for his
negligence.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH