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Basil to Libanius.3267
3267 “Basilii
et Libanii epistolæ mutuæ, quas magni facit
Tillemontius, probatque ut genuinas, maxime dubiæ videntur
Garnier, in Vit. Bas. cap. 39, p. 172, seqq., is
tamen illas spartim edidit.…Schroeckh Garn. dubitationi
deomnium illarum epist. mutuarum νοθεί& 139·
quædam opponit.” Fabricius. Harles.,
Tom. ix.
Maran (Vit. Bas. xxxix. 2) thinks
that the Libanian correspondence, assuming it to be genuine, is to be
assigned partly to the period of the retreat, partly to that of the
presbyterate, while two only, the one a complaint on the part of
Libanius that bishops are avaricious, and Basil’s retort, may
perhaps have been written during the episcopate. He would see no
reason for rejecting them on the ground merely of the unlikelihood of
Basil’s corresponding with a heathen philosopher, but he is of
opinion that the style of most of them is unworthy both of the sophist
and of the archbishop. Yet there seems no reason why they should
have been invented. It is intelligible enough that they should
have been preserved, considering the reputation of the writers; but
they suggest no motive for forgery. The life of Libanius extended
from 314 to nearly the end of the fourth century. J. R. Mozley,
in D.C.B. (iv. 712) refers to G. R. Siever (Das Leben des Libanius, Berlin, 1868) as the fullest
biographer. |
I am really ashamed of sending
you the Cappadocians one by one. I should prefer to induce all
our youths to devote themselves to letters and learning, and to avail
themselves of your instruction in their training. But it is
impracticable to get hold of them all at once, while they choose what
suits themselves. I therefore send you those who from time to
time are won over; and this I do with the assurance that I am
conferring on them a boon as great as that which is given by those who
bring thirsty men to the fountain. The lad, whom I am now
sending, will be highly valued for his own sake when he has been in
your society. He is already well known on account of his father,
who has won a name among us both for rectitude of life and for
authority in our community. He is, moreover, a close friend of my
own. To requite him for his friendship to me, I am conferring on
his son the benefit of an introduction to you—a boon well worthy
of being earnestly prayed for by all who are competent to judge of a
man’s high character. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH