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| To the prefect Modestus. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Letter CIV.2362
To the prefect Modestus.2363
2363 On the rating
of the clergy. |
Merely to write to so great a
man, even though there be no other reason, must be esteemed a great
honour. For communication with personages of high distinction
confers glory upon all to whom it is permitted. My supplication,
however, is one which I am driven by necessity to make to your
excellency, in my great distress at the condition of my whole
country. Bear with me, I beg you, kindly and in accordance with
your own characters and reach a helping hand to my country, now beaten to the knee.
The immediate object of my entreaty is as follows. By the old
census, the clergy of God, presbyters and deacons,2364
2364 τοῦς τοῦ
The Ben. note points out that the words priests and deacons probably
crept into the mss., in all of which it is
found, from the margin, inasmuch as by ἱερωμένους
and cognate words Basil means the whole clergy.
cf. Letter liv. and note on p. 157. | were left exempt. The recent
registrars, however, without any authority from your lordship, have
enrolled them, except that in some cases a few were granted immunity on
the score of age. I ask, then, that you will leave us this
memorial of your beneficence, to preserve through all coming time your
good fame; that in accordance with the old law the clergy be exempt
from contribution. I do not ask the remission to be conceded
personally and individually to those who are now included, in which
case the grace will pass to their successors, who may not always be
worthy of the sacred ministry. I would suggest that some general
concession be made to the clergy, according to the form in the open
register, so that the exemption may be given in each place to ministers
by the rulers of the Church. This boon is sure to bring undying
glory to your excellency for your good deeds, and will cause many to
pray for the imperial house. It will also really be profitable to
the government, if we afford the relief of exemption, not generally to
all the clergy, but to those who from time to time are in
distress. This, as any one who chooses may know, is the course we
actually pursue when we are at liberty.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH