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| To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
To Eusebius, bishop of
1. I have now
received two letters from your divine and most excellent wisdom,
whereof the one told me clearly how I had been expected by the laity
under the jurisdiction of your holiness, and what disappointment I had
caused by failing to attend the sacred synod. The other, which
from the writing I conjecture to be of the earlier date, though it was
delivered later, gave me advice, at once honourable to yourself and
necessary to me, not to neglect the interests of God’s Churches,
nor little by little to allow the guidance of affairs to pass to our
opponents, whereby their interests must win, and ours lose. I
think that I answered both. But, as I am uncertain whether my
replies were preserved by those who were entrusted with the duty of
conveying them, I will make my defence over again. As to my
absence, I can put in an unimpeachable plea, as to which I think
intelligence must have reached your holiness, that I have been detained
by illness which has brought me to the very gates of death. Even
now as I write about it, the remains of sickness are still upon
me. And they are such as to another man might be
2. As to the fact of its not being owing to
my neglect that the interests of the Churches have been betrayed to our
opponents, I wish your reverence to know that the bishops in communion
with me, from lack of earnestness, or because they suspect me and are
not open with me, or because the devil is always at hand to oppose good
works, are unwilling to cooperate with me. Formerly, indeed, the
majority of us were united with one another, including the excellent
Bosporius.2468 In reality
they give me no aid in what is most essential. The consequence of
all this is, that to a great extent my recovery is hindered by my
distress, and the
sorrow I feel brings back my worst symptoms. What, however, can I
do alone and unaided, when the canons, as you yourself know, do not
allow points of this kind to be settled by one man?2469
2469 The Ben. note
is: “Canones illos qui apostolis afficti fuere,
nonnunquam citat Basilius in Epistolis canonicis. Videtur hoc
loco respicere ad vigesimum (?xxxvii.) septimum, ubi
præscribitur, ut in unaquaque provincia episcopi nihil majoris
rei incipiant sine sententia illius, qui inter eos primus, ac unus
quisque iis contentus sit, quæ ad parœciam suam
pertinent: sed nec ille absque omnium voluntate quidquam
faciat. Erat Basilius hujus canonis observandi studiosus, et
quamvis nominis fama et sedis dignitate plurimum posset, nunquam ab
eo communionis restitutionem impetrare potuerunt Marcelli discipuli,
antequam Petri Alexandrini auctoritates accessisset: et cum ab
Episcopis in Palæstina Exsulantibus non ex spectato aliorum
Episcoporum consensu restituti fuissent, factum moleste tulit et
libere reprehendit.” Epist.
cclxv. | And yet what remedy have I not
tried? Of what decision have I failed to remind them, some by
letter and some in person? They even came to the city, when they
heard a report of my death; when, by God’s will, they found me
yet alive I made them such a speech as was proper to the
occasion. In my presence they respect me, and promise all that is
fit, but no sooner have they got back again than they return to their
own opinion. In all this I am a sufferer, like the rest, for the
Lord has clearly abandoned us, whose love has grown cold because
iniquity abounds. For all this may your great and powerful
intercession with God be sufficient for me. Perhaps we shall
either become of some use, or, even if we fail in our object, we may
escape condemnation.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH