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It is beyond the scope of the present work to discuss at
length the history and relation of the extant Liturgies, which go by
the name of St. Basil. St. Basil’s precise share in their
composition, as we possess them, must be conjectural.
(i) The Liturgy, which St. Basil himself
used and gave to his clergy and monks, preserved the traditional form
in use in the archdiocese of Cæsarea.700
700 cf. De Sp.
Scto. chap. xxvii. p. 41. |
It is mentioned in the xxxiind canon of the council
“in Trullo” of 692. This is no doubt the basis of the
Greek Liturgy known as St. Basil’s, and used in the East as well
as the Liturgy of St. Chrysostom. The form in use is contained in
Neale’s Primitive Liturgies (1875). Dr. Swainson
(Greek Liturgies chiefly from Oriental Sources, p. 75) printed
an edition of it from the Barberini ms. in
(ii) There is an Alexandrine Liturgy in
Coptic, Arabic, and Greek form, called St. Basil’s, and used on
fast days by the Monophysites (Renaudot, Lit. Orient. Collectio,
i. 154). This differs entirely from the first named.
(iii) Yet again there is a Syriac Liturgy
called St. Basil’s, translated by Masius, and given by Renaudot
in his second volume.701
701 cf. Dict.
Christ. Ant. s.v. “Liturgy,” and C. Hole,
Manual of the Book of Common Prayer, chap. ii. Fessler
notes: “Extat Liturgia S. Basilii tam fusior quam
brevior gr. et lat. in Eucholog. Gr. ed. J. Goar Venetiis 1730
et alia gr. et lat. in E. Renaudot Coll. Lit. Or. Paris,
1716, item alia latine tantum conversa ex Coptico Jacobitarum in
eadem collect, ac rursus alia latine tantum ex Syriaco
conversa.…De formæ varietate hæc optime monet
Renaudot: ‘Liturgia illa, quod extra dubium est,
usurpatur in Græca ecclesia ab annis plus mille ducentis; atque
inde originem habuerunt leves aliquot discrepantiæ in precibus
præparatoriis aut in aliis orationibus. Quædam
exemplaria cæremoniales rubricas habent, quæ in aliis non
reperiuntur; at alicujus momenti discrimen in illis partibus
quæ canonem sacræ Actionis constituunt, non
reperitur.…Varietates in codicibus omnes prope ad ritus
spectant, qui enucleatius in aliquibus, in aliis brevius
explicantur, in nonnullis omittuntur, quia aliunde peti
debebant.’ Eo autem sensu Liturgiæ hujus auctor
dicitur Basilius, non quod proprio ingenio eam excogitaverit, sed
quod preces publicas, eisque contiguos ritus, quoad rei essentiam ex
communi traditionis Apostolicæ fonte manantes, ordinaverit et
in scriptis codicibus ad certam formam
redegerit.” | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH