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Chapter VI.
At the same time God
spoke to Abraham, and promised that his seed was to be multiplied as
the sand of the sea; and that his predicted seed would live in a land
not his own, while his posterity would endure slavery in a hostile
country for four hundred years, but would afterwards be restored to
liberty. Then his name was changed, as well as that of his wife, by the
addition of one letter; so that instead of Abram257
257 In the Greek of
the LXX. the name appears as Abraam, so that, as our author
says, there is only a change of one letter. | he was called Abraham, and, instead of
Sara, she was called Sarra. The mystery involved in this is by no means
trifling, but it is not the part of this work to treat of it. At the
same time, the law of circumcision was enjoined on Abraham, and he had
by a maid-servant a son called Ishmael. Moreover, when he himself was a
hundred years old, and his wife ninety, God promised that they should
have a son Isaac, the Lord having come to him along with two angels.
Then the angels being sent to Sodom, found Lot sitting in the gate of
the city. He supposed them to be human beings, and welcomed them to
share in his hospitality, and provided an entertainment for them in his
house, but the wicked youth of the town demanded the new arrivals for
impure purposes. Lot offered them his daughters in place of his guests,
but they did not accept the offer, having a desire rather for things
forbidden, and then Lot himself was laid hold of with vile designs. The
angels, however, speedily rescued him from danger, by causing blindness
to fall upon the eyes of these unchaste sinners. Then Lot, being
informed by his guests that the town was to be destroyed, went away
from it with his wife and daughters; but they were commanded not to
look back upon it. His wife, however, not obeying this precept (in
accordance with that evil tendency of human nature which renders it
difficult to abstain from things forbidden), turned back her eyes, and
is said to have been at once changed into a monument. As for Sodom, it
was burned to ashes by fire from heaven. And the daughters of Lot,
imagining that the whole human race had perished, sought a union with
their father while he was intoxicated, and hence sprung the race of
Moab and Ammon.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH